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Welcome to is the home of yoga. Here in we describe a lot of about yoga you never ever knew about.

Yoga is the science of living properly and hence it should be included in daily life. It works on all aspects of our life, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Yoga means unity or bind. The root of the word is the Sanskrit word Yuj, which means to join. At the spiritual level, this joining means the unification of individual consciousness with universal consciousness.

Yoga works on mental and emotional levels after the external body. As a result of the stress and interactions of everyday life, many people suffer from many mental troubles. Yoga may not provide them immediately but it is a proven method to combat them. You will find a lot of about yoga like yoga poses its benefits and other things about yoga.

Yoga The Science Of Living

Yoga is the science of living properly and hence it should be included in daily life. It works on all aspects of our life, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Yoga means unity or bind. At the spiritual level, this joining means the unification of individual consciousness with universal consciousness.

Physical Experience

The first experience of yoga is a physical experience. In which the native starts feeling after some time. With the practice of a few days of yoga, the person starts feeling changes in his body after getting rid of diseases.

Mental Experience

The second experience of yoga appears on the brain and thoughts (feelings). Yoga is effective in overcoming all these mental ailments from the human mind like stress, anxiety, depression, negative emotions.

Spiritual Experience

The third experience of yoga leads man to spirituality. By liberating us from worldly restrictions and worries, yoga leads to the ultimate unit where only bliss. Through a healthy body, we can serve our spiritual worship to God.

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