

Yoga Poses

Nadi Shodhana pranayama

Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Method And Benefits

Like another pranayama, Nadi Shodhana is also very simple pranayama. The pulse of a human being is a channel providing energy to his body which sometimes gets blocked due to many reasons. This pranayama...

Best And Effective Facial Yoga For Slim Face

Image It feels bad to see excess fat on the face which also spoils your beauty. Exercise to reduce face fat can help you get rid of it. Due to excess obesity, fat also...

Kukkutasana Or Rooster Pose Steps And Benefits

Kukkutasana Or Rooster Pose is an advanced balance yoga that requires good flexibility of the feet and benefits hands and shoulders. Kukkutasana stimulates the Muladhara Chakra and is used for the awakening of the...

Anulom Vilom Pranayama And Its Benefits

Anulom Vilom is one of the many pranayamas and breathing exercises. It is also called the Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique. Today in this article we will tell you about the ways of doing this...

Shuturmurgasana | Ostrich Pose |Steps |Benefits

Shuturmurgasana is another important yoga posture of yoga series. The person performing this yoga is seen standing like an ostrich. Ostrich Pose is beneficial for us in many ways. This yoga posture helps in...

Hollywood Celebrities Who Practice Yoga

Yoga and Meditation are two exercises that don’t simply help you remain genuinely fit, yet in addition makes you intellectually solid. Both go connected at the hip, and whenever rehearsed consistently, they can possibly...

9 Top And Best Yoga For Depression

Depression is becoming a part of many people’s lives today. People go into depression due to small reasons. Yoga can help you avoid depression. Today we will tell you about yoga for depression. Yoga...

Easy and Effective Poses Of Yoga For Fertility

Image Poor lifestyle, early marriage, and delayed family planning also adversely affect the fertility of both women and men. Eating also causes infertility in women. Research has proved that women who practice fertility-enhancing yoga...


Tadasana Or Mountain Pose Steps And Benefits

Image Yaga is very good for your health in your busy lifestyle. It keeps your health calm as well as your mind. One of those yogasana is Tadasana. Tadasana is a fundamental asana of...

Virabhadrasana II

Virabhadrasana II Or Warrior II Steps & Benefits

Image Virabhadrasana II or Warrior Pose II is a yoga pose that increases strength, stability and concentration. Warrior Pose II requires both strength and stability. Performing this asana requires flexibility in the upper body...


Siddhasana is an effortless and easy yoga pose, consider it a posture of meditation. So, it stands just after Padmasana. Siddhasana is easier than Padmasana. Though, Siddhasana has similar benefits to Padmasana. What Is...

Malasana (Garland Pose): Steps, Benefits And More

Malasana is a perfect and easy yoga pose. It is for those people who spend their whole day sitting. It helps to tone and strengthen your legs, hips, thighs, toes, heels, and knees.  Nowadays,...


Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend Steps & Benefits

Image Paschimottanasana is a very beneficial yoga asana. By doing this asana, the entire body part gets stretched and it is very beneficial for the body. For people who have diabetes, Paschimottanasan helps to...


Garudasana is a standing yoga pose. It is placed at the end of all the standing yoga poses. In this yoga pose hands and legs are twisted with each other. This yoga has several...

Chaturanga Dandasana: Steps, Benefits, And More

Chaturanga Dandasana is a very popular yoga asana. It is often included in Sun Salutations and Vinyasa yoga classes. This yoga pose comes with a huge number of benefits for the whole body. Such...