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Vatayanasana: Steps, Benefits And More

Vatayanasana, a classical Ashtanga Yoga collection pose. It looks like an aggregate of Garudasana (eagle pose) and Ardha Padmasana (1/2 of lotus pose). It’s a balancing posture that objectives specifically quads, glutes, and internal...

Malasana (Garland Pose): Steps, Benefits And More

Malasana is a perfect and easy yoga pose. It is for those people who spend their whole day sitting. It helps to tone and strengthen your legs, hips, thighs, toes, heels, and knees.  Nowadays,...


Garudasana is a standing yoga pose. It is placed at the end of all the standing yoga poses. In this yoga pose hands and legs are twisted with each other. This yoga has several...

Hamsasana (Swan Pose): Steps, Benefits And More

Hamsasana is an intermediate balancing pose that also requires the active involvement of the arm, shoulder-length, core, glutes, and toes. In benefits, Hamsasana increases the energy level. And improves focus and concentration.  What Is...

Supta Virasana: Steps, Benefits And More

Supta Virasana is one of the greatest Yoga Poses. It is a variation of the Virasana Yoga pose. Supta Virasana is also known as Reclined Hero pose and Reclining Hero Pose. This yoga pose...