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Yoga pose

Shashankasana: A Simple Pose With Various Benefits

Shashankasana is a simple Yoga Asana. It has various benefits including, control anger, tension, anxiety, stress, and many more. So in this article, we will tell you A to Z about this asana. So,...

Easy and Effective Poses Of Yoga For Fertility

Image Poor lifestyle, early marriage, and delayed family planning also adversely affect the fertility of both women and men. Eating also causes infertility in women. Research has proved that women who practice fertility-enhancing yoga...

Malasana (Garland Pose): Steps, Benefits And More

Malasana is a perfect and easy yoga pose. It is for those people who spend their whole day sitting. It helps to tone and strengthen your legs, hips, thighs, toes, heels, and knees.  Nowadays,...

Vriksasana or Tree Pose Steps and Benefits

Image Vriksasana or Tree Pose means posture similar to a tree. While doing this asana, the human body looks like a tree, that is why this asana is called Vriksasana. This asana is practiced...