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Effective And Best Yoga For Liver To Be Healthy

Image Do yoga for a healthy liver, the liver is one of the most important organs of our body. Therefore it is necessary to work well. Do you know that Yoga is a simple...

Is It Safe To Do Yoga During Periods?

Periods are very difficult days for any woman. Many types of hormonal changes occur in women these days. In which mood swings, irritability, and being emotional are common. At the same time, it is...

7 Best And Effective Yoga For Spondylitis

Nowadays many people are troubled by the pain of spondylitis. Among them, the number of people who have to work on the computer for hours is the highest. Poor routines of people are also...

Best And Easy Poses Of Yoga To Increase Stamina

Image Stemina is required to perform any task, your good stamina helps in running your life well. Our lives are busy and full of stress, so a good stamina is very important to increase...
Yoga For Premature Ejaculation

10 Effective Yoga For Premature Ejaculation

Fast ejaculation of semen during sex is called premature ejaculation. Early ejaculation is a serious problem of youth today, which is more than 50% of the people troubled. Most people are not satisfied with...

7 Best And Effective Yoga For Hydrocele

Hydrocele is a disease in men that affects 10 percent of men. Yoga can help you to overcome all kinds of problems like water filling in the testicles, swelling, increase in testicles, etc. and...

9 Top And Best Yoga For PCOS Patients

Yoga can be an effective treatment procedure for the polycystic ovarian syndrome. Polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is a disease described as a variety of ulcers in the ovaries. The science of yoga works...

Dhanurasana Or Bow Pose Steps & Benefits

Image Dhanurasana is a very beneficial yet simple yoga pose. While performing this asana, the body becomes the shape of a bow. In this posture, the abdomen and thigh form as part of the...