There are many yoga postures, among them Uttanpadasana is also a major yoga posture, it is recommended to do Uttanpadasana to reduce belly fat. With this yoga, you will not have any kind of stomach related disease and you will always remain healthy. This is a classic posture which is done in the supine position. People like it for a flat stomach and strong abs. Below is given the method of doing Uttanpadasana and the benefits of Uttanpadasana, after reading which you can easily do it at home.
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What Is Uttanpadasana?
The name Uttanapadasana is derived from Sanskrit, the name of the Uttanapadasana pose is made up of two words “uttan” and “pada”, in which the word “uttan” means raised up and the word “pada” means feet. This asana is done by lying on the back, so it is named Uttanapadasana, it is good for strengthening the abdominal muscles. It is also known as Dwipadasana, in Dwipadasana “dvi” means both standing and “pada” means feet, its full meaning is both feet standing. Let us know the method of doing Uttanapadasana and its benefits.
Method of Doing Uttanapadasana:
There are many benefits of doing Uttanpadasana yoga for all of us, let’s know the method of doing it in detail step by step-
- To do Uttanpadasana, first lie straight on the floor on the yoga mat.
- Keep both the feet close together, there should not be much distance between the legs.
- Keep both the hands straight on the floor in which your palm should be connected to the ground downwards.
- Breathe slowly and lift both your legs up, you have to lift your legs to an angle of 45 degrees.
- In Uttanpadasana, some people can lift their legs up to 60 degrees or 90 degrees.
- After raising the legs 45 degrees, hold the legs in this position for 15 to 20 seconds.
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In the initial stages, raise your legs only for a few seconds, because keeping the legs up puts a lot of pressure on the abdominal muscles, initially your abdominal muscles are not strong enough, with practice you can keep the legs up for a longer time, the duration of raising the legs should be increased gradually after a week.
After a few days of practice, you can increase the duration of keeping the legs up to one or two minutes. While raising the legs, keep in mind that your legs should not bend from the knees.
After raising the legs, if you feel pressure in the lower abdomen or there is a jerk in the abdominal muscles, then come back to the starting position from this posture. Finally, keep lowering the legs while exhaling. After this, come back to your starting position. Repeat this 3-4 times daily.
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Benefits Of Uttanpadasana:
There are many benefits of doing Uttanapadasana yoga every day, let us know its benefits in detail-
Helps To Reduce Weight:
Uttanpadasana treats stomach disorders like acidity, indigestion, and constipation. If you are troubled by obesity and heavy weight, then Uttanpadasana yoga can be beneficial for you. With regular practice of this asana, you can reduce your heavy stomach in a few days and enjoy a slim stomach. Uttanpadasana plays an important role in reducing belly fat and getting the stomach in.
Cure Back Pain:
If you are troubled by back pain, then this asana can be beneficial for you. In this asana, you have to lie down on your back and lift both your legs up. In this, your back remains absolutely straight. Initially, this asana will cause back pain, but with regular practice, your back pain will be relieved. Uttanpadasana also strengthens the hamstring muscles.
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Strengthen the Abdominal Muscles:
Uttanpadasana strengthens the abdominal muscles. This asana eliminates your belly fat, raising both legs puts pressure on the stomach muscles, it is an excellent yoga for making 6 packs of stomach.
Cures Stomach Related Problems:
Uttanapadasana is a very good asana for those who are troubled by stomach related problems, this asana improves the digestive system and stops gas formation in the stomach, apart from this it also eliminates other diseases like acidity, arthritis pain, diabetes, pancreas, heart problems etc.
Beneficial for Women:
Uttanapadasana improves the function of reproductive organs, this asana is very beneficial for women, it is a good posture to strengthen the walls of the uterus. But women should not do this asana during menstruation.
(Also Read: Utkatasana Or Chair Pose | Steps & Benefits)
Precautions Of Doing Uttanpadasana:
Uttanpadasana is a very beneficial asana. It has many benefits but it is very important to take some precautions before doing it. Some precautions of Uttanpadasana are as follows –
- Pregnant women should avoid Uttarpadasana for the first few months. Consult a doctor before practicing this asana in the third trimester. You can take the support of a wall while practicing.
- People suffering from high blood pressure, slip disc, ulcer, or abdominal surgery should not do this asana.
- Women should not practice Uttanpadasana yoga during menstruation, but if you are comfortable doing it then there is no problem, you can do it.
- People who have back pain should not do this asana.
- Any yoga should be practiced under the guidance of an expert.
- If you are suffering from any particular disease, then consult a doctor before doing any exercise.
Uttanpadasana asana, like many yoga asanas, is very ancient, and during this time several variants of its execution have appeared. We give a description of one of its health options.
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