Most people want to know what to do to increase eyesight. So let us tell you that yoga is very helpful in increasing eyesight, yoga asanas are known to improve the functioning of our organs. You can also increase your eyesight by doing some yoga asanas, apart from this, these yogas also eliminate small diseases related to your eyes. With yoga asanas, you can also get rid of problems like nearsightedness and farsightedness. Yogasanas for eyes are beneficial in not being able to see far away, not being able to see near, etc. Let us know in detail about yoga for increasing eyesight.
Yoga For Increasing Eyesight:
Eyes are a very important part of our body, without them darkness prevails in a person’s life, so we should take care of our eyes. Yoga is very beneficial for healthy eyes and it is also easy. Let us know in detail about the yoga asanas that increase eyesight-
Halasana Yoga For Increasing Eyesight:
Practicing Halasana Yoga is considered beneficial for maintaining proper blood circulation from the back to the waist. Halasana helps in promoting blood circulation in the upper part of the body due to which the eyes can be kept healthy. By practicing this yoga regularly, eyesight can be maintained till old age. Halasana is also beneficial in calming the nervous system and reducing the risk of related disorders. This is the one of the yoga for increasing eyesight.
Steps To Do:
- To do this yogasana, first lie down on your back on the yoga mat.
- Keep your hands close to the body and keep the palms facing the ground.
- After this, while breathing in, slowly lift your legs and make an angle of 90 degrees.
- Lift your back as well and take it up while exhaling.
- Then slowly try to touch the toes of the feet to the ground. Keep breathing during this.
- For your convenience, you can put your hands behind your waist.
- Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
- Then slowly return to the initial state.
(Also Read: Steps And Benefits Of Padmasana Yoga)
Yogasana for Eyes is Blinking eyes:
To keep your eyes healthy, it is necessary to blink your eyes repeatedly, this is a very simple yoga. We forget to blink our eyes due to long-term use of electronic devices like working on a computer all day, using mobile, etc. This is the one of the yoga for increasing eyesight.
Steps To Do:
- To keep the eyes healthy, sit comfortably in someplace.
- Keep your eyes open.
- Now blink your eyes quickly 10 times.
- After this, keep your breathing normal and rest for 20 seconds.
- After that do this asana again.
- You have to do this 5 times.
Warm the Eyes with Hands:
Palming is a good yoga asana to increase eyesight and keep them healthy. Rub the palms of both your hands together and place them on the eyes. The warmth of the palms soothes the eyes. To do this-
Steps To Do:
- First of all, sit in a clean and quiet place, for this you can sit in Padmasana or Sukhasana.
- Close your eyes and take deep breaths for some time.
- Now rub both the palms of your hands together for 10 to 15 seconds or keep rubbing until they become a little warm.
- When the palms are warm, place both hands comfortably on both eyes.
- Let your hands remain on your eyes for a few seconds.
- When the eyes completely absorb the heat of the hands, remove your hands from the eyes.
- You have to repeat this process again, you must do it at least three times.
Rubbing both palms together generates heat. When you touch your eyes with these hands, the heat from the hands gets transferred to the eye muscles, which gives relief to the eyes.
(Also Read: Simhasana Or Lion Pose | Steps To Do | Benefits)
Look while Rotating the Eyes:
Continuously moving the eyes up and down improves the eye movement and increases the possibility of improvement in eyesight. This exercise can also be done by fixing a time. To eliminate eye diseases, you have to rotate your eyes and keep your gaze in one place. Let’s see the method of doing this yoga to increase eyesight-
Steps To Do:
- To do this yoga, sit at a place with both legs straight.
- Keep both your hands straight, i.e. keep your left hand on the left knee and the right hand on the right knee.
- Now make a fist in your right hand and keep your thumb pointing upwards.
- Raise your fisted right hand upwards.
- Focus your eyes on the thumb of the fist.
- Make a circle by moving your hands in a circular motion and also keep your gaze on your thumb.
- This action has to be done 5 times each in a clockwise and anticlockwise direction.
- After this, lower your hand and open your fist and repeat the same process by closing the fist with the other hand.
In this exercise, keep in mind that when you make a circle with your hand, divide it into two arcs, one arc is when the hand goes upwards, then inhale and the other arc is when the hand goes down, then exhale. This is the one of the yoga for increasing eyesight.
Touch the Nose with the Thumb:
Yoga is a very good treatment to reduce problems like myopia and hypermetropia, let’s see the method of doing this yoga in detail-
Steps To Do:
- To do this yoga asana, first of all, sit in Padmasana or Sukhasana in a clean place.
- Keep both your hands straight on your knee.
- Now close the fist of the right hand and keep your thumb pointing upwards.
- Raise your right hand and keep it straight in front of your mouth.
- Focus your gaze on the thumb of your hand with both eyes.
- Slowly bring the thumb near your nose and touch the nose, while keeping the gaze on the thumb.
- After this, move your thumb away from your nose again.
- Do this action at least 5 times.
While doing this asana, keep in mind that when the thumb touches the tip of the nose, keep your thumb in that position for a few seconds and keep your breathing normal. This is the one of the yoga for increasing eyesight.
(Also Read: Bhadrasana Yoga | Steps To Do | Benefits)
Sideways Yogasana:
To increase eyesight, you can adopt a side-way yogasana. This is the one of the yoga for increasing eyesight. To do this, follow the steps given below.
Steps To Do:
- Sit on a mat in a clean place.
- Keep both your legs straight and keep them in front of the body.
- Straighten both your hands which should be parallel to both the legs.
- Now make a fist in both hands and keep your thumbs upwards.
- Keep your head absolutely straight look at these thumbs with both eyes and concentrate.
- Now you have to transfer your vision, first look at the left thumb, and then look at the space between your eyebrows.
- Again look at your right thumb and then look at the space between your eyebrows.
- Repeat this process 10 to 20 times.
- After this exercise, close your eyes and relax.
Look Near and Far:
Do this yoga to get rid of problems like nearsightedness and farsightedness.
Steps To Do:
- To do yoga, sit in an open place or sit in Sukhasana near the window or with legs spread.
- Keep your head straight and keep both hands in your lap.
- Now keep your gaze out of the window.
- Then focus your gaze on the tip of the nose for 5 to 10 seconds.
- Again keep your gaze outwards.
- This process has to be done about 10 to 20 times.
- After that close your eyes and rest for a while.
- Keep in mind that when you look at the nose, inhale and when you look far, exhale.
(Also Read: Vriksasana Or Tree Pose Steps And Benefits)
Move Eyes Up and Down:
The method of doing this yogasana is as follows-
Steps To Do:
- First of all, sit on a mat with legs spread forward.
- Keep the head and spine straight.
- Keep both your hands straight on your knees.
- After this, close your fists in both hands and keep your thumbs upward.
- Focus your gaze on the thumb of the right hand and keep raising it up to the maximum height.
- Then slowly bring the hand down.
- After that, focus your gaze on the thumb of the other hand and take it up as well and then down.
- Do this process 5 times with each thumb.
- After this, close your eyes and relax.
- In this, inhale while looking up and exhale while looking down.
Look Forward And To The Side:
Gazing is a type of yogasana that is done for the eyes. To do this exercise, you have to gaze at a particular object. Your body should not move and your full attention should be on that object. This is the one of the yoga for increasing eyesight. It is done daily for a fixed limited time.
Steps To Do:
- For this yogasana also sit with legs stretched forward.
- Keep both hands on your knees.
- Close fist in left hand and keep thumb on top.
- Exhale and focus your eyes on your thumb.
- Inhale and look sideways.
- Now focus your eyes on your right thumb and then look sideways.
- You have to do this action 5 times with each thumb.
- Then close your eyes and relax.
(Also Read: Tadasana Or Mountain Pose Steps And Benefits)
After working for a long time sitting in front of the computer, the eyes start paining, and problems like watery eyes, itching in them, double vision, and blurred vision start. Diseases like glaucoma and cataracts occur in the eyes, apart from this, many types of disorders also occur due to bacterial infection, which causes eye problems. Eyesight also decreases due to mental stress and emotional stress. Problems like myopia and hypermetropia can also be reduced through yoga.
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