Kapotasana Yoga is also known as pigeon pose. Kapotasana is one of the main yoga asanas which helps in eliminating fat from our body. In today’s busy life, people are not able to take time for their bodies. Due to working in the office all day, and not doing physical exertion, many physical problems like obesity, weight gain, etc. can occur. People do not even have enough time to go to the gym and exercise for hours, yoga can be a very good medium to keep your body healthy. It can also be done in less time in the morning. Doing yoga regularly provides benefits for various types of diseases. Let us know in detail the method of doing Kapotasana or Pigeon Pose and its benefits.
(Also Read: Steps And Benefits Of Padmasana Yoga)
What Is Kapotasana or Pigeon Pose?
Kapotasana Mudra is also known as pigeon pose. The word Kapotasana is derived from the Sanskrit language which is made up of two words in which the word “Kapota” means “pigeon” and Asana means “pose”. When someone does this pose, he looks as beautiful as a pigeon bird. This pose helps in the development of your spine and brain.
Your body gets energy from this yoga. It also stretches your body, which protects you from many types of diseases. Let us know the method of doing Kapotasana and its benefits.
(Also Read: Simhasana Or Lion Pose | Steps To Do | Benefits)
How To Do Kapotasana:
Before knowing the benefits of Kapotasana, it is very important to know the method of doing it. Before doing any yoga, it is very important to have complete information about it. Let us know the method of doing Kapotasana in detail in sequence.
Step 1:
To do Kapotasana, first, sit in Vajrasana or you can also do it by sitting in Ushtrasana.
Step 2:
After sitting in Vajrasana, take a deep breath and keep both your hands behind your waist.
Step 3:
Or sit in Ushtrasana and keep both your hands on the toes of your feet.
Step 4:
Sitting in Ushtrasana, bend the upper part of the body i.e. your neck backward, and then slowly bend your waist backward.
Step 5:
Try to take both your hands behind your feet towards the ground.
Step 6:
If you have discomfort in keeping your hands on the floor while bending backward, then use Vajrasana, it will be easier for you to keep your hands behind the ground.
Step 7:
After both hands are resting on the ground, slowly slide both your hands towards your feet.
Step 8:
In this position, both your hands will bend from the elbow.
Step 9:
After remaining in this posture for a few seconds, again bring your hands near the toes and hold your heels by placing them on the toes.
Step 10:
In this posture, you will come into the pigeon pose. Now remain in this posture for some time according to your capacity.
Step 11:
Finally, straighten your legs with the support of the hands and come back to your initial position.
(Also Read: Bhadrasana Yoga | Steps To Do | Benefits)
Benefits Of Kapotasana:
Although doing all the postures of yoga is beneficial, similarly doing Kapotasana also has many benefits. It frees us from many types of diseases and lets us know the benefits of Kapotasana in detail.
Reduce Physical Pain:
Kapotasana is beneficial for curing various types of pain in your body. This asana helps relieve your shoulder pain, spinal pain, and calf pain and increases elasticity in the hands.
Beneficial for Various Diseases:
With this asana, you can also cure various types of diseases. This asana cures sciatica, blood pressure, digestive problems, etc. It helps in treating urinary disorders. It activates the nervous system and also increases oxygen intake, it strengthens your lungs.
Beneficial for Joint Pain:
It helps in curing hip, back pain, and shoulder pain and strengthens them. The benefits of Kapotasana strengthen the muscles of your legs and relieve joint pain.
Beneficial for Mental Peace:
The Kapotasana posture of yoga helps in providing you with mental peace. It reduces our stress, due to which you feel more interested in doing any work, and you are able to do that work well.
(Also Read: Vriksasana Or Tree Pose Steps And Benefits)
Precautions For Kapotasana:
Before doing this yoga posture, you must have some important information about it such as you should know its precautions, when to do it, when not to do it, etc. Below are some precautions that you have to keep in mind before doing Kapotasana.
- A yoga trainer is required to do this asana, do not do this asana without him.
- To do Kapotasana, keep your stomach empty for 4 to 6 hours, and then do this asana.
- People who are just starting to do yoga should not do this asana.
- It is necessary to have an empty stomach in Kapotasana yoga asana, so this asana should be done in the morning.
- Pregnant women should not do Kapotasana yoga.
- If you have pain in your knees, then do not do this asana.
- Do this asana comfortably, do not do it in a hurry, otherwise, it can be harmful.
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