Mayurasana is also known as the Peacock Pose. Know the method, procedure, and benefits of doing Mayurasana. Yoga is a treatment to keep the body healthy which has been in practice since ancient times. Yoga provides energy internally, with the help of yoga we can avoid diseases for a long time and it also maintains balance in our body, mind, and emotions. There are many postures of yoga, out of which Peacock Pose is a major posture. It can protect your body from many diseases. This yoga helps you with stomach-related problems. Let us know in detail the method of doing Mayurasana and what are its benefits.
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What Is Mayurasana?
Mayurasana is a word derived from the Sanskrit language which is made up of two words in which the first word “Mayur” means “Peacock” and the second word “Asana” means “Pose”. In this asana, your position looks like a peacock, it seems as if the peacock is sitting with its wings spread. According to Hindu scriptures, the peacock is a symbol of love and immortality.
Peacock Pose has many benefits but this pose is difficult, it requires practice to do it, and after practice, you can do it easily. In this pose, the entire weight of your body is on both your hands. Let us know in detail the method of doing Peacock Pose.
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How To Do Mayurasana:
Seeing the benefits of Mayurasana, every person wants to do this posture, but due to lack of complete information about this asana, it seems difficult to do it, here we are going to tell you the method of doing Peacock Pose in detail so that you can do it easily-
- To do Peacock Pose, first of all, spread a mat in a clean place and sit on your knees.
- Put your hands on the ground, in which you have to keep your finger towards your feet.
- Keep your feet close together and both knees far apart.
- Both your hands should be on both knees.
- After this, set the elbows of your hands properly on your stomach, in this both elbows will be on the right and left of your navel.
- After this, stretch both your legs backward and straighten them.
- Now bend your body forward and slowly try to bring the full weight of the body on both your hands.
- Balance yourself on both hands and keep your body up, in this, only your hands will be connected to the ground and your whole body will be in the air.
- According to your capacity, you can remain in this posture for a longer time.
- To come back to your initial position bring your feet down to the ground.
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Benefits of Mayurasana:
Peacock Pose provides various benefits to your body, it helps protect us from diseases, let us know its benefits in detail-
Mayurasana Benefits for a Healthy Body:
Yoga is considered to be the identity of our culture since ancient times. Many types of health problems can be overcome through yoga. Evidence of this is also found in many literary texts. Similarly, the Peacock Pose also has many health benefits. By using Peacock Pose regularly, it detoxifies the body. Due to this, the body can be protected from problems like tumors and fever. If you also want to keep your life healthy and safe, then you can include Mayurasana in your daily life.
Keeps Digestion Healthy:
This is a yoga that helps in providing many health benefits. The health benefits of Mayurasana also include keeping the digestive system healthy. Studies show that it makes the digestive organs healthy in people who do Peacock Pose.
Apart from this, doing the Peacock Pose promotes blood circulation in the abdominal area. Which helps the body to strengthen the stomach and its internal system. If your digestive system is weak, then you can strengthen it with the help of Peacock Pose.
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Beneficial For Diabetes:
For people who have diabetes, Mayurasana is no less than a treatment. It is believed that doing Peacock Pose regularly, it can control the level of blood sugar in the body. This is because our body expends extra energy while doing the Peacock Pose. As a result, the fat and blood glucose present in the body are used. In this way, the body consumes the extra sugar present in the body to produce extra energy. This helps in controlling the blood sugar level. Apart from this, the benefits of Peacock Pose are also known to reduce the symptoms of piles.
Benefits of Mayurasana in Sexual Health:
This yoga is considered very beneficial for men with low fertility. Apart from this, the benefits of Mayurasana are also beneficial for women. If women do Peacock Pose regularly, it can help in reducing the symptoms of menstruation and menopause. Apart from this, it can improve sexual activity. So that you can take advantage of your sex life.
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Makes Your Bone Strong:
You can get the benefits of Mayurasana to strengthen your bones. It is believed that doing the Peacock Pose helps strengthen the shoulders, elbows, wrists, and spine. If you also want to strengthen your bones, you can include Peacock Pose regularly as a regular exercise.
Mayurasana Activates the Internal Organs of the Body:
Performing Mayurasana regularly keeps your body healthy externally. Apart from this, it can also activate and stimulate your internal organs. Performing Peacock Pose regularly activates your pancreas, stomach, liver, spleen, kidneys, and intestines. Due to this, your body can become healthy and strong.
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Precautions Of Mayurasana Or Peacock Pose:
Before doing any yoga, it is very important to know its precautions, let’s know the precautions of doing Mayurasana-
- This asana should be done on an empty stomach, for this, do it after keeping your stomach and intestines empty for at least 4 to 6 hours.
- It is more beneficial to do this asana in the morning, if you are not able to do this asana in the morning, then you can do it in the evening as well.
- Pregnant women should not do Mayurasana.
- If you have problems like high blood pressure, heart disease, hernia, peptic ulcer, etc. then do not do this asana.
- If you experience any kind of pain in this posture, then consult a yoga trainer.
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