What is Chandra Namaskar or Moon Salutation?
Like Surya Namaskar Yoga, Chandra Namaskar is also a very important yoga. Chandra Namaskar is a yoga that keeps our body cool. Yoga practice is helpful in observing the power of opposites, to create...
Benefits Of Hatha Yoga To Improve Your Health
Do you want to improve your physical and mental health through Yoga? So in this article, we will tell you the benefits of Hatha Yoga to improve those problems. And also tell you what...
Vatayanasana: Steps, Benefits And More
Vatayanasana, a classical Ashtanga Yoga collection pose. It looks like an aggregate of Garudasana (eagle pose) and Ardha Padmasana (1/2 of lotus pose). It’s a balancing posture that objectives specifically quads, glutes, and internal...
Shashankasana: A Simple Pose With Various Benefits
Shashankasana is a simple Yoga Asana. It has various benefits including, control anger, tension, anxiety, stress, and many more. So in this article, we will tell you A to Z about this asana. So,...
Tadasana Or Mountain Pose Steps And Benefits
Image Yaga is very good for your health in your busy lifestyle. It keeps your health calm as well as your mind. One of those yogasana is Tadasana. Tadasana is a fundamental asana of...
Virabhadrasana II Or Warrior II Steps & Benefits
Image Virabhadrasana II or Warrior Pose II is a yoga pose that increases strength, stability and concentration. Warrior Pose II requires both strength and stability. Performing this asana requires flexibility in the upper body...
Paschimottanasana or Seated Forward Bend Steps & Benefits
Image Paschimottanasana is a very beneficial yoga asana. By doing this asana, the entire body part gets stretched and it is very beneficial for the body. For people who have diabetes, Paschimottanasan helps to...
Yoga To Reduce Breathing Problems
Image In this Corona situation one must stay healthy and take care of yourself. One of the most important part of this care is yoga. You have to keep an eye on the respiratory...
Anantasana Yoga Steps To Do And Benefits
Anantasana is an important yoga posture. This asana is also called Vishnu asana because it is named after Lord Vishnu. Doing Anantasana Yoga is very beneficial for our body. By doing this yoga asana,...
Chair Yoga To Relieve Back In Work From Home Time
Image Constant sitting, standing or sitting or standing in the wrong posture results in pressure on the hip joint. If you do not exercise, the muscles become stiff and the pain increases. Practising the...
Yoga To Lose Weight After C Section Delivery
Image C-section of women starts gaining weight after delivery and the stomach starts coming out. Pregnancy is a stage in which the body goes through many physical changes. Getting back in shape after a...
Steps And Benefits Of Mandukasana Or Frog Pose
Image Mandukasana Or Frog Pose yoga is one of the major postures of yoga asanas. The person performing this asana looks like a frog. Mandukasana is a beneficial yoga for our body in many...
Does Balayam Yoga Helps In Hair Growth?
Balayam Yoga is the act of rubbing the nails of both hands together. If you are troubled by your hair loss problem and want healthy, shiny hair then you should definitely do this Yoga....
11 Top And Best Yoga For Hips and Thighs
The right shape of the hips looks attractive, so all women want their hips to be big and the right size. In today’s article, we will tell you about yoga to enlarge the hips....
5 Best Yoga To Cure Navel Displacement
Navel Displacement is a common problem that often troubles people. There are many reasons for the navel slipping, such as lifting a heavy object or weight, running at a high speed, jumping from a...