Dandasana is a simple asana of yoga posture. It is also known as “Staff Pose” in English. People are asked to represent the spinal cord in it, and it paves the way for the energy of self-awakening. Dandasana is therefore considered an ideal posture to promote strength and good form, which supports one’s spiritual journey. Let us know in detail the method of performing Dandasana or Staff Pose and its benefits.
What Is Dandasana or Staff Pose?
(Also Read: Baddha Konasana Or Bound Angle Pose Steps And Benefits)
Dandasana is a Sanskrit word made up of words in which the first word “Danda” means “Stick” and the second word “Asana” means “Yoga Pose”. Dandasana is a practice that prepares your body to perform advanced asanas. It also enhances your ability to align your body perfectly. This pose is the basis for all seated postures, if you look closely, it is the seated version of Tadasana or Mountain pose.
Dandasana or Staff Pose is the first posture in the Ashtanga yoga series that is performed by sitting, thus sitting in Dandasana is the basis for all other asanas. Let us know in detail how to do Dandasana.
Preparatory Poses:
There are some other asanas that you should practice before practicing Dandasana or Staff Pose, and these asanas are also beneficial in maintaining health and removing many disorders from the body.
Steps To Do Dandasana or Staff Pose:
Step 1:
To perform Dandasana, first of all, sit on the yoga mat and spread it on the floor.
Step 2:
Spread both legs in front of your body and keep both of them close together.
Step 3:
Both toes bend and slide towards you.
Step 4:
Push your thighs and heel into the floor.
(Also Read: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana Or Upward Facing Dog Steps)
Step 5:
Keep both your hands straight and palms on the ground. The hands should be near both the hips.
Step 6:
Keep your spine and neck straight.
Step 7:
Lift your chest up and stretch your shoulders slightly to stretch your collarbones.
Step 8:
Look at the front and keep your breath normal.
Step 9:
Keep doing this Dandasana for 20 seconds to one minute. You can also do this asana according to your ability, there is no harm.
Step 10:
Then come back from this posture.
Follow Up Poses:
Do these yoga poses to ease and comfort after doing these yoga poses. These yoga poses are…
- purvottanasana Or Reverse Plank Pose
- Bharadvajasana Or Sage Bharadvaja’s twist
(Also Read:Uttanasana Or Standing Forward Bend Steps & Benefits)
Beginner’s Tips:
This is very beneficial for boys who want to have a wide and strong chest. The specialty of this asana is that with the help of this asana, the benefits are visible in a short time.
Benefits Of Dandasana or Staff Pose:
There are many benefits of performing Dandasana, let us know its benefits in detail
For Stretching The Shoulders:
Continuous work on the computer throughout the day leads to a feeling of shoulder and chest pain. This asana creates a stretch in your shoulder which reduces this pain. Physical stress and emotional irritability in daily life are stored in the shoulder area. Which causes shoulder pain. Dandasana is an effective technique for correcting shoulder and chest pain caused by both physical and emotional stress.
Make Reed Bone Flexible:
The spinal cord is a very important part of our body, without it, no person can sit or walk. Spinal cord helps to give strong structure to our back. Dandasana makes our spine strong and flexible. This flexibility helps you reduce the injury.
For Stong Strengthen Muscles:
Dandasana or Staff Pose is a good asana to strengthen our back muscles and keep it healthy. By doing the work of bending for a long time and sitting for a long time in the chair, the pain in the back muscles persists for a long time, due to which they become weak, Dandasana or Staff Pose is a good posture to strengthen them.
For Sciatica Pain:
Dandasana or Staff Pose is a good treatment to reduce pain in the lower part of the body, such as pain in the legs, thighs, ankles and wearing heels. This asana helps in curing internal thigh pain, tailbone, and sciatica pain.
For Heals The Brain:
Dandasana or Staff Pose also keeps your brain healthy like other Yogasanas, regular performance of this mudra reduces the stress hormone cortisol. This asana helps to focus and calm the mind. It relieves stress and helps to increase concentration.
For Good Digestion:
Good digestion is very important for the overall well-being of a person. Digestive problems like constipation, acid reflux, and bloating are extremely uncomfortable and unhealthy. All these types of problems can be removed through Dandasana or Staff Pose.
For Improves Posture:
The most painful time for any person is when they are unable to use their body parts properly, improper alignment of the body while sitting and standing can lead to scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis. Dandasana or Staff Pose mudra is a great way to align the body and help prevent these diseases.
Precautions Dandasana or Staff Pose:
What are the precautions you need to take in performing Dandasana or Staff Pose, we understand it from some points given below.
- If you have lower back and wrist pain, do not do this asana.
- Although it is a very simple pose it is best to do it under the supervision of a yoga instructor.
- Do not try to do yoga asanas beyond your capacity, do as much as you can bear.
- Consult a doctor before starting Dandasana or Staff Pose.
(Also Read: Virabhadrasana II Or Warrior II Steps & Benefits)
Dandasana or Staff Pose is a very beneficial yoga practice. It is very beneficial for our health. We know the method of performing this asana in step one.
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Kurmasana Or Turtle Pose Steps And Benefits | Upashana Yoga
June 22, 2020 at 9:41 am
[…] Dandasana or Staff Pose […]