Janushirasasana is a series of yoga in which a person has to sit in an asymmetrical position and bend towards him. These asanas are a challenging asana in their own right, especially for men. This asana works amazingly well in increasing the flexibility of the thighs, hamstrings, thighs, hip joints, back, hands, and shoulders. Janu Sirsasana Or Head To Knee Pose calms both the heart and the mind and also extends the entire body. This yoga makes your body warm, so this asana is done at the end of the yoga chain. Janushirasasana asana is part of the primary series of Ashtanga yoga. Let us know in detail the way of doing this Yogasana and its benefits.
What Is Janu Sirsasana Or Head To Knee Pose?
Janushirasasana Yoga is a Sanskrit word, it is made up of two words, in which the first word is “Janu” which means “knee” and the second word “Top” means “Head”. Janushirasasana is part of the primary series of Ashtanga yoga. It is a seated posture. In this posture, the head touches your knees completely. This posture is known in English as “Head-to-Knee Pose, Head-to-Knee Forward Bend, and Head-on-Knee Pose”.
Although this posture looks similar to the headstand, it is very different from it. The intention of this pose is to fold the body so that your head can reach closer to the knee. This yoga posture helps a lot in keeping our body healthy. Come, let us know in detail the method of doing yoga.
Preparatory Poses:
There are some other asanas that you should practice before practicing Janu Sirsasana Or Head To Knee Pose, and these asanas are also beneficial in maintaining health and removing many disorders from the body.
- Uttanasana Or Standing Forward Bend Pose
- Balasana Or Child’s Pose
Steps To Do Janu Sirsasana Or Head To Knee Pose:
Step 1:
To do Janushirasasan, you sit in a clean place with a yoga mat, with both feet of the bed straight in front.
Step 2:
You can also sit in the posture of Dandasana to do this asana.
Step 3:
Keep both hands straight on the ground and keep the spine straight.
Step 4:
Stretch the fingers on the feet so that the toes are pulled towards you.
Step 5:
Stay in this posture for a few seconds and then do the following action.
Step 6:
Now take the breath inward and keep your right foot on the thigh of the left foot by turning.
Step 7:
With both your hands upward, stand upright.
Step 8:
After this, tilt your upper body down and bend from here at the waist.
Step 9:
Hold the toes of the left foot with the finger in both your hands. Keep in mind that your left leg should not bend.
Step 10:
Now place your head on the knee of the left leg. In this condition, you stay for a while and breathe 5 to 10 times.
Step 11:
In this position, only your left leg and left ax will be stretched. After this, open both your hands and be straight.
Step 12:
Now again you have to do the same procedure with your left foot, for this, you put your left foot on the thigh of the right foot. Now do the same action again with the other leg.
Step 13:
Do this asana only for 1 to 2 minutes, do not exceed it.
Janu Sirsasana
This asana improves the function of the reproductive system. The postures are to stimulate the reproductive organs, causing menstrual and menopausal problems cessation are finished.
Benefits Of Janu Sirsasana Or Head To Knee Pose:
There are many benefits of performing Janushirasasan if you do this asana regularly, it can be very beneficial for you. Let us know its benefits in detail-
Strengthen The Stomach Muscles:
By doing this asana, your abdominal muscles are strengthened, with this asana spreads the small and large intestines of your stomach. Which strengthens the digestive system. It eliminates the problem of constipation in your stomach. It also removes the problem of flatulence and abdominal bloating.
Reduce Mental Stress:
To do this asana, when you place your head on your knees, there is a high flow of blood in the head, which prevents headache, anxiety and fatigue. Insomnia, sinusitis, and high blood pressure are also cured by practicing this asana. Janushirasasana keeps the mind calm and also keeps it from mild tension.
Strengthen The Spleen and Gall Bladder:
While doing this asana, stretching takes place on your right leg which strengthens the spleen and gall bladder and keeps them healthy. It stimulates the liver and kidneys and improves their function. It increases blood flow to the abdominal area and promotes kidney function.
Helps Quickly Recover From Cold:
By doing this asana, the body produces more heat which increases the temperature of the body. This increased body temperature helps in reducing the cold from our bodies. If you do Janushirasasana properly then it prevents you from getting a fever. Apart from this, this asana quickly cures inflammation in the gland due to the flu.
- If you have pain in the knees, do not do this asana.
- A person suffering from severe back pain should not do this asana.
- If you are troubled by diarrhea and asthma, then you should avoid doing this asana.
- If you are a patient of lumbar disc herniation, do not do this asana.
In order to practice Janu Shikasana, your feet and quad drips must be strong enough to lift the weight of the entire body. But first, you have to overcome your fear of your mind that you should not fall while practicing.
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