Through yoga, the whole body is kept healthy. But if you are upset about your enlarged stomach and tired of taking all measures, then practice Balasana Yoga regularly. There will definitely be an advantage and at the same time, there will be no need to do a lot of hard work. So, see below to know more about Balasana or Child Pose.
(Also Read: Janu Sirsasana Or Head To Knee Pose Steps & Benefits)
What Is Balasana Or Child Pose?
Balasana is a Sanskrit word that is made of two different words. Here “Bal” means “Child” and “Asana” means “Yoga Posture”. While doing this asana, a child-like figure is formed on the ground and the hips are raised above the ground and the knees are sticking to the ground, hence this asana is called balasana pose.
This asana is also called “Garbhasana” or “Shashankasana”. The key to all types of yoga is breathing. Therefore while practicing this asana, more attention should be paid to the entire process of breathing and exhaling. By practicing Balasana properly, it helps to overcome many disorders of the body.
Preparatory Poses of Balasana:
There are other postures that are similar to Balasana and these asanas can also be practiced regularly along with Balasana. Performing these asanas before the Balasana pose gives maximum benefits. These asanas help reduce stress in the hips, thighs, and ankles. These asanas are as follows.
Steps To Do Balasana Or Child Pose:
Before starting any asana practice, one should get information about the right way to do it. The reason for this is that the problem in the body can arise due to not practicing asana properly. Let us know what is the right way to do Balasana.
Step 1:
First of all, sit with your heels high on the ground or mat and take a breath.
Step 2:
Keep both knees of your feet sticking to each other or at a short distance from each other.
Step 3:
After this, slowly lean forward in such a way that your forehead touches the ground. During this, exhale your breath lightly.
Step 4:
Place both your hands on both sides of the body and note that your palms keep touching the body.
Step 5:
After this, extend your arms forward on the ground or mat and leave the palms spread on the ground.
(Also Read: Ardha Matsyendrasana Or Half Lord of the Fishes Pose Steps & Benefits)
Step 6:
After coming in this posture, bring your chest slowly by pressing towards the thighs.
Step 7:
Your chest should touch both thighs and the palms should be spread on the ground just ahead of the body.
Step 8:
Remain in this posture for 45 seconds to 1 minute and keep breathing slowly.
Step 9:
During this time, keep practicing breathing and exhaling at least 4 to 12 times and bring thoughts in your mind that disorders are coming out of your brain and body.
Step 10:
After this, bring your palms under the shoulder and slowly lift your upper body and return to the previous position and breathe on the ankles. Perform all these actions with ease.
(Also Read: Dandasana or Staff Pose Steps And Benefits)
Beginner’s Tips:
- Balasana can be done by supporting the head and torso. By doing this, if you have less flexibility in your body, you will still be able to do Balasana.
- If there is pain in the shoulders, you can keep the hands back instead of forward.
Follow Up Poses:
Balasana is a resting posture. It can be done before any posture. But there are some yoga pose that can you practice after balasana.
Benefits Of Balasana:
Balasana is a much easier yoga pose than other asanas. Those who start any asana should first start with Balasana. While practicing this asana, the upper part of the body tilts towards the ground, so this asana is very beneficial for the waist, back, and spine. Apart from this, this asana is helpful in keeping the problem of dizziness and blood circulation also fine.
Relieve Fatigue:
Balasana is called resting pose because it provides relief to the body and helps to relieve fatigue. Apart from this, breathing and exhaling during this asana provides a kind of calm. Balasana is very beneficial for a person especially if he is very dizzy.
Relieve Stress:
The breathing pattern of this asana relieves tension and keeps the brain calm. Apart from this, this asana also helps in relieving depression, migraine, and irritability.
Improves Blood Circulation:
By practicing Balasana daily, the blood flow throughout the body improves. Along with this, it helps in massaging and toning the abdominal organs as well as enhancing digestion.
Beneficial For Hips:
By doing this asana, stress is reduced in the hips, thighs and ankles, and waist. This asana makes the muscles flexible and helps reduce pain. This asana also helps to reduce the hips if you have more fat on your hips or if you have more buttocks.
Relieve Back Pain:
While practicing this asana, one has to bend forward so this posture helps to relieve back and back pain. Balasana works as a therapy for back and back pain, so most people practice Balasana to get rid of these problems.
(Also Read: Halasana or Plough Pose Steps and Benefit)
Precautions Of Doing Balasana:
As you know the benefits and importance of Balasana are immense but under certain circumstances, one should avoid practicing this yoga pose. Because in some cases, doing any kind of asana can be harmful if there are some serious problems in the body. So while doing Balasana you should also take the following precautions.
- Do not practice balasana if you have any kind of injury to your knees.
- If a person is suffering from diarrhea, then he should refrain from doing Balasana.
- Pregnant women should not do this asana, otherwise, they can be very troublesome.
- You should not do balasana if you have a complaint of joint pain or you are a patient of high blood pressure.
There are some asanas given in ancient Indian yoga, which are very easy to do as well as very beneficial. Balasana yoga one of these. Performing this yoga not only improves health has spiritual benefits as well.
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