Like another pranayama, Nadi Shodhana is also very simple pranayama. The pulse of a human being is a channel providing energy to his body which sometimes gets blocked due to many reasons. This pranayama is a breathing technique that helps to open closed energy channels and keeps the mind calm. In this article, let’s know what is Nadi Shodhana pranayama, the method of practicing this pranayama, and the benefits of this pranayama.
What Is Nadi Shodhana Pranayama?
Nadi Shodhana is composed of two Sanskrit words where “Nadi” means “Channel Or Flow” and “Shodhana” means “Cleansing Or Purification”. Therefore, Nadi Shodhana Pranayama is commonly known for cleaning the nose and purifying the body and mind.
This is one such pranayama which women, men, and people of any age can do very easily and get its benefits. This pranayama is very helpful in providing energy to the body as well as in removing all kinds of anxiety and stress. This pranayama is a process of taking deep breaths, holding them for a while, and then giving up, so it is beneficial in removing various disorders of the body.
(Also Read: What Is Pranayama, And What Are The Benefits Of This?)
Method To Do Nadi Shodhana Pranayama:
You can start Pranayama with Nadi Shodhana Pranayama. It is very simple. You practice it in the morning. You can practice it even during the evening. Practice this in the pure environment. So, see below how to do this Pranayama.
Step 1: Nadi Shodhana pranayama
First of all, bend both legs and sit very comfortably on the ground. Keep the spine very straight and keep the shoulders also in a relaxed posture and do not strain too much and sit with both eyes closed.
Step 2: Nadi Shodhana pranayama
After this, place your left palm above the left thigh. Keep the palm open upward and keep the tips of the thumb and index finger close to each other.
Step 3: Nadi Shodhana pranayama
After this, place your right hand index finger, and middle finger on the forehead between the two eyebrows and place the ring finger and little finger on the left nasal nostril and the thumb. Place it on the right side of the nose. The little finger and ring finger are used to open and close the left nasal gate and the thumb is used for the right nostril (nostril) door.
Step 4:
Now close the right nasal cavity with your thumb and inhale slowly with the left nostril.
Step 5:
Hold the breath for a while and then exhale comfortably with the right nostril.
Step 6:
Now press the left nostril with the thumb and inhale slowly from the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril after holding the breath for a while.
Step 7:
In the first round, practice breathing in and out of the left nostril and once from the right nostril and then come to a relaxed posture.
Step 8:
After this, alternately practice breathing in and out of the right and left nostrils. Complete this activity in at least 9 rounds, but next time inhale with the same nose so that you exhale.
(Also Read: Kapalbhati Pranayama Steps And Its Benefits)
Benefits Of Nadi Shodhana Pranayama:
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama is a technique of breathing pranayama, which has many benefits to health by practicing it. This pranayama helps to keep the mind calm while removing the impurities of the body. Let us know what are the benefits of doing this Pranayama.
Boost Memory:
Practicing this Pranayama increases concentration and increases the brain. This is such pranayama whose practice leads to better flow of oxygen on both sides of the dull brain. If you have to go for a presentation or go to a meeting, interview, examination, then before that you must do pulse treatment Pranayam.
Improves Sleep:
Focusing on breathing while doing this pranayama keeps the mind calm. By breathing and exhaling through the nostril, the body calms itself and the body gets a different type of energy. This makes a person sleep well.
Relieve Stress:
By practicing this pranayama properly daily, the brain is controlled and negative thoughts do not come into the mind. By doing this pranayama, anxiety, tension, depression disappears quickly. Therefore, in case of depression or stress problems, this pranayama must be done.
Provide Energy:
If you feel that you are healthy and you do not have any weakness but despite this, you feel energyless then you should practice this pranayama. One is pranayama that fills the body with energy and keeps a person active.
Strengthen The Nervous System:
While practicing Nadi Shodhana, slowly breathing deeply and exhaling after holding the breath for a while, gives the message to reduce tension in the nervous system and oxygen in the nervous system. There is a direct flow that strengthens a person’s nervous system.
Control Body Temperature:
The temperature of the body is controlled by exhalation and exhalation through the nasal passage. However, in order to keep the body temperature under control, it is necessary to practice Nadi Shodhana pranayama daily. By doing this pranayama, a person neither feels too cold nor experiences much heat.
Purify Blood:
Regularly practicing Nadi Shodhana pranayama by sitting in a quiet environment improves the respiratory system and purifies the blood of the body. Apart from this, it is also helpful in supplying oxygen well in Pranayama blood. Deep breathing while practicing pulse resection cures many diseases.
(Also Read: Bhastrika Pranayama Steps To Do And Benefits)
Precautions Of Nadi Shodhana Pranayama:
Like another pranayama, there are many benefits to health by doing Nadi Shodhana pranayama. But if some things are not kept in mind while practicing this pranayama, it can also cause any harm to health. Let us know what precautions should be taken while practicing this pranayama.
- If you are a patient of asthma and heart disease, do not hold your breath for long while practicing this, otherwise, your problem may increase.
- If you are having trouble taking a deep breath, do not forcefully inhale, otherwise, it may cause nasal pain.
- Practice Nadi Shodhana on an empty stomach, otherwise, abdominal pain may emerge.
- While practicing this pranayama, do not breathe through the mouth and do not remove any nose sound from the mouth or nose.
- While practicing Nadi Shodhana pranayama, gently close the nostril with the fingers or give light pressure at all.
- If you are fast asleep, do not sit and practice this pranayama.
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Nadi Shodhana is done for the purification of the Nadis ie the nervous system. This is very simple pranayama and very useful as well. By concentrating on the mind, you increase its order.
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