Like Surya Namaskar Yoga, Chandra Namaskar is also a very important yoga. Chandra Namaskar is a yoga that keeps our body cool. Yoga practice is helpful in observing the power of opposites, to create balance in our life. Many traditional cultures view the moon as a manifestation of the divine feminine force in nature. Let us know about the benefits of Chandra Namaskar and the way to do it.
What is Chandra Namaskar?
According to Hat Yoga, this force resides within us only. Solar energies are warm, active, and outwardly oriented, while lunar energies are calm, receptive, and inwardly focused. The moon is a symbol of beauty and attraction. Attraction may be in a child, a beautiful girl, or flowers, and beauty always attracts a man. It is a replica of women which includes everything – love, excitement, soft attraction. Beauty is the basis of hypnosis.
The practice of Chandra Namaskar is a reflection of Surya Namaskar. The Moon does not have light of its own but reflects the Sun’s light. This practice is opposite to Surya Namaskar. Surya Namaskar provides warmth to our body whereas Chandra Namaskar provides coolness. There is a pleasant Dharmabhagini sequence of Surya Namaskar known as Chandra Namaskar or Moon Salutation.
Chandra Namaskar is a calming practice and is beneficial for both men and women. This is a good yoga practice to reduce fatigue. Let us know in detail the method of doing Chandra Namaskar and its benefits.
(Also Read: Virabhadrasana II Or Warrior II Steps & Benefits)
What Is The Right Time To Do Chandra Namaskar?
Chandra Namaskar is best practiced at night, especially when the moon is visible. When practicing at night, make sure the stomach is empty.
Yoga Poses Of Chandra Namaskar:
Chandra Namaskar Yoga is a group of many yoga asanas. A total of 14 yoga asanas are included in Chandra Namaskar and their names are as follows-
1. Pranamasana or Prayer Pose
2. Hasta Uttanasana or Raised Arms Pose
3. Pada Hastasana or Hand-To-Foot Pose
4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana or Equestrian Pose
5. Ardha Chandrasana or Half Moon Pose
6. Balancing Asana
7. Ashtanga Namaskar
8. Bhujangasana
9. Adho Mukha Shavasana
After these 9 yoga asanas, you have to practice some of these yogasanas again, which are as follows-
10. Horse Running Asana
11. Ardha Chandrasana
12. Paad Hastasana
13. Hasta Uttanasana
14. Pranamasana
Steps To Do Chandra Namaskar:
There are 12 postures of Chandra Namaskar but in some places, it is also considered to be 14. To practice Chandra Namaskar, it is necessary for you to practice all its postures. Let us know in detail all the postures to do this exercise.
1. Pranamasana or Prayer Pose:
To do Pranamasana, first spread a yoga mat and stand straight on it. Keep both your legs close and your neck straight. Now look forward and join both your hands. Bring the palms to the center of your chest and form a prayer posture. Keep your body in a relaxed state. Pay attention if your thighs are rubbing together then keep some distance between your legs. This asana helps in reducing lower back pain.
(Also Read: Virabhadrasana I Or Warrior I Pose Steps And Benefits)
2. Hasta Uttanasana or Raised Arms Pose:
After doing Pranamasana, to do Hasta Uttanasana, inhale inwards and slowly raise both your hands upwards. Keep your hands folded above your head. Now bend backward with your hands. If you have difficulty in moving your hands back while bending backward, then you can keep your hands straight.
3. Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend:
To do this asana, come out of Hasta Uttanasana and stand straight. Now to do Uttanasana, bend forward from your waist, and keep both legs straight. Try to touch the ground with both your hands and keep your palms on the ground. Place your head on your knees. Keep in mind that if you have back problems and find it difficult to keep your hands on the ground, then keep them at an angle touching the ground.
(Also Read: Adho Mukha Svanasana Or Downward Facing Dog Steps And Benefits)
4. Ardha Chandrasana or Half Moon Pose:
Come back from Uttanasana and stand straight, after that extend your left leg forward and bend it at the knee, then slowly sit on the ground, place your right leg backward in which your knee and toes touch the floor. Touch. Raise both your hands above your head and join them. Now tilt your head backward. Keep in mind that the knee of your left leg should form a 90-degree angle.
5. Ashwa Sanchalanasana or Equestrian Pose:
To do this asana, you have to do the same as Ardha Chandrasana, the only difference is that in this both your hands will remain towards the ground and only the fingers of both hands will touch the ground. And the backside on the right side will remain straight on the ground. In Ashwa Sanchalana Asana, your position looks like the walking of a horse.
6. Parvatasana or Mountain pose:
To do Parvatasana, come back from horse riding and stand straight. Now after this, bend forward, keep your upper body straight, and bend only from your waist. Place both your hands on the ground. Take both your legs a little back and position them like a mountain. Keep in mind that both your legs should remain completely straight and the upper torso should also be kept straight. Only bend the body from the waist. If you have any difficulty in doing this asana, you can bend your knees a little.
(Also Read: Utkatasana Or Chair Pose | Steps & Benefits)
7. Ashtanga Namaskar or Eight-Limbed Pose:
To do this asana, sit on your knees, then place both your hands on the floor and bend forward. Keep your head straight on the floor. Place both your hands on the ground near your shoulders. Keep your hips and shins up. And keep your chest, knees, and toes on the ground.
8. Bhujangasana or or Cobra Pose:
To do this asana, first of all, lie down on your stomach on some asana, and keep your legs straight. Now place both your hands on the floor a little ahead of your shoulders. Putting emphasis on your hands, lift the front part of your body i.e. chest up. Keep in mind that the part below your waist does not rise above the ground.
9. Parvatasana or Mountain pose:
To do Parvatasana, you stand straight. Now after this, bend forward, keep your upper body straight, and bend only from your waist. Place both your hands on the ground. Take both your legs a little back and position them like a mountain. Keep in mind that both your legs should remain completely straight and the upper torso should also be kept straight. Only bend the body from the waist. If you have any difficulty in doing this asana, you can bend your knees a little.
(Also Read: Tadasana Or Mountain Pose Steps And Benefits)
10. Ashwa Sanchalanasana or Equestrian Pose:
To do this asana, you have to do the same as Ardha Chandrasana, the only difference is that in this both your hands will remain towards the ground and only the fingers of both hands will touch the ground. And the backside on the right side will remain straight on the ground. In Ashwa Sanchalana Asana, your position looks like the walking of a horse.
11. Ardha Chandrasana or Half Moon Pose:
For this, stand straight and then move your left leg forward and bend it at the knee, then slowly sit on the ground, keeping your right leg backward in which your knee and toes touch the floor. Raise both your hands above your head and join them. Now tilt your head backward. Keep in mind that the knee of your left leg should form a 90-degree angle.
(Also Read: Vriksasana Or Tree Pose Steps And Benefits)
12. Uttanasana or Standing Forward Bend:
To do this asana, stand straight. Now to do Uttanasana, bend forward from your waist, and keep both legs straight. Try to touch the ground with both your hands and keep your palms on the ground. Place your head on your knees. Keep in mind that if you have back problems and find it difficult to keep your hands on the ground, then keep them at an angle touching the ground.
13. Hasta Uttanasana or Raised Arms Pose:
To do Uttanasana, inhale and slowly raise both your hands upwards. Keep your hands folded above your head. Now bend backward with your hands. If you have difficulty in moving your hands back while bending backward, then you can keep your hands straight.
(Also Read: Bhadrasana Yoga | Steps To Do | Benefits)
14. Pranamasana or Prayer Pose:
To do Pranamasana, first spread a mat and stand straight on it. Keep both your legs closed and your neck straight. Now look forward and join both your hands. Bring the palms to the center of your chest and form a prayer posture. Keep your body in a relaxed state. Pay attention if your thighs are rubbing together then keep some distance between your legs. This asana helps in reducing lower back pain.
Precautions Of Doing Chandra Namaskar:
While practicing Chandra Namaskar you should keep proper track of time. Practicing this yoga asana at night is considered more beneficial. Apart from this, the stomach should be completely empty while practicing it.
People who suffer from back pain should not practice Chandra Namaskar Yoga. If you have any problem in your bones, then definitely consult a doctor before practicing this yoga asana. Apart from this, pregnant women should also not practice Chandra Namaskar.
(Also Read: Simhasana Or Lion Pose | Steps To Do | Benefits)
Benefits of Chandra Namaskar:
The practice of Chandra Namaskar is very beneficial in keeping the body calm and healthy. Practicing this yoga asana daily keeps your mind calm and your body relaxed. Practicing Chandra Namaskar daily is very beneficial to overcome sleep-related problems. If you practice Chandra Namaskar Yoga properly daily then your body gets these benefits-
1. Practicing Chandra Namaskar Yoga daily is considered very beneficial to overcome mental problems like stress and depression.
2. Practicing Chandra Namaskar Yoga daily is very beneficial for making the spine strong and flexible and for maintaining the proper balance of the body.
3. Daily practice of Chandra Namaskar Yoga is very beneficial for improving the respiratory system and circulatory systems and removing the problems related to them.
4. Practicing Chandra Namaskar Yoga is very beneficial in case of pain in the lower part of the body.
5. Practicing Chandra Namaskar Yoga daily is considered very beneficial in case of migraine problems.
6. Daily practice of Chandra Namaskar is beneficial in keeping the heart healthy and reducing the risk of heart-related diseases.
7. These exercises are a good remedy to relieve your fatigue.
8. Chandra Namaskar helps in keeping you mentally calm.
9. It maintains proper blood circulation and digestion.
10. This exercise makes your body flexible.
11. Chandra Namaskar is a good yoga asana to reduce stress.
This is half a parikrama of Chandra Namaskar with the right foot. The remaining half rotation is done with the left leg. This makes a complete cycle of Chandra Namaskar.
You can do one or three full rounds of Chandra Namaskar in the beginning. Gradually increasing your capacity, you can increase the number of rounds.
(Also Read: Steps And Benefits Of Padmasana Yoga)
Q. Is it necessary to do Chandra Namaskar after Surya Namaskar?
A. It is not necessary to do Chandra Namaskar immediately after Surya Namaskar. This is more of a suggestion than a requirement. Include Chandra Namaskar in your daily routine at your convenience.
This can provide balance to the energetic effects of Surya Namaskar. Don’t feel pressured to practice Chandra Namaskar after Surya Namaskar. Just listen to what your body says and enjoy the process.
Q. What is the appropriate time to do Chandra Namaskar?
A. Traditionally, Chandra Namaskar should be practiced in the evening, preferably in moonlight. This aligns with the energy of the Moon and prepares you for restful sleep. However, feel free to adapt your routine.
While a morning practice can provide calmness and help you stay focused throughout the day, an afternoon session can be a pleasant break from your busy day.
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