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Yoga Poses

Sarvangasana Or Shoulder Stand Pose Steps & Benefits

Image Sarvangasana means all organs and postures. As the name suggests, this posture is helpful in exercising parts of our entire body. This exercise full limbs, so this asana is full of many benefits....

Vajrasana Or Thunderbolt Pose Steps & Benefits

Image Yoga believes in learning from nature. So everything that is in nature. Actually yoga is a part of science. Yoga learns from animals, objects, substances, and postures present in nature and believes in...

Uttanasana Or Standing Forward Bend Steps & Benefits

Image Uttanasana Yoga is very important yoga asana, it helps in reducing stress from your life. These yoga poses are a good asana to warm your body and make your body flexible to do...

Ustrasana Or Camel Pose Steps & Benefits

Image Ustrasana is a camel posture. Regular practice of this posture helps you improve core strength, gain stamina, make your hips and shoulders flexible. This asana gives you a wonderful vibe. The horoscope stream...

Bakasana Or Crane Pose Steps & Benefits

Image Bakasana or Crane Pose is an asana that is considered the Asian symbol of happiness and youthfulness. People of China consider this asana as a symbol of longevity. This asana is equally beneficial...

Navasana Or Boat Pose Steps & Benefits

Image Navasana is a very easy and beneficial yoga asana. This asana is a very important posture of our yoga series, in this posture a person looks like a boat. Many types of diseases...

Dhanurasana Or Bow Pose Steps & Benefits

Image Dhanurasana is a very beneficial yet simple yoga pose. While performing this asana, the body becomes the shape of a bow. In this posture, the abdomen and thigh form as part of the...

Sirsasana Or Headstand Steps & Benefits

Image There are many benefits of doing yoga. There are many postures under this. By doing some asanas, stress is relieved, then some benefits of easy digestion. Every posture has its own importance. One...

Kumbhakasana Or Plank Pose Steps & Benefits

Image Kumbhakasana Or Plank Pose exercises usually fall under the beginner’s yoga pose and have multiple benefits. For beginners, the yoga plank pose and its variations are strongly recommended to help build stamina and core...

Ardha Matsyendrasana Or Half Lord of the Fishes Pose Steps & Benefits

Image The name of this Yogasana is Ardhamatsyendrasana, the name of this Yogasan is Ardhamatsyendrasana, Gurudev Matsyendranath Ji of Guru Gorakhnath used to sit and meditate, so this Yoga Easy was named after him....

Steps And Benefits Of Shavasana Or Corpse Pose

Image Shavasana Or Corpse Pose is a Sanskrit word meaning dead body. This asana got its name because it has the same shape as a dead body. Shavasana Or Corpse Pose is meant for...
Bridge Pose

Setu Bandhasana Or Bridge Pose Steps & Benefits

Image The Setu Bandhasana posture is also called the bridge pose because its shape is very similar to the bridge. It is one of the important rugs lying on the back.This posture is very...
Triangle Pose

Triangle Pose Or Trikonasana Steps & Benefits

Image Triangle Pose Or Trikonasana is a basic and beneficial yoga pose. If you want to get a perfect figure just by doing 10 minutes of Triangle Pose Or Trikonasana in a day is...

Adho Mukha Svanasana Or Downward Facing Dog Steps And Benefits

Image  The Adho Mukha Svanasana Or Downward Facing Dog Pose is an essential pose of Surya Namaskar and it helps in strengthening the whole body as well as making the muscles flexible. This yoga...

Vriksasana or Tree Pose Steps and Benefits

Image Vriksasana or Tree Pose means posture similar to a tree. While doing this asana, the human body looks like a tree, that is why this asana is called Vriksasana. This asana is practiced...