Yoga has been in practice since ancient times and is still very popular today. Regular practice of yoga keeps the body healthy and helps in preventing major diseases. There are many postures of yoga, out of which Salabhasana Yoga is a major posture. This posture strengthens the muscles of our body and problems like back pain can be overcome. Let us know about the method of doing Shalabhasana and its benefits.
What is Salabhasana Yoga?
Shalabhasana is a Sanskrit word that is made up of two words, the first word “Shalabh” means “Locust” and the second word Asana means “pose”, that is, Shalabhasana means a posture like a locust. This asana is called “Grasshopper Pose” in English. This strengthens your spine. It comes under the category of Hatha Yoga. This posture may look simple but you may have some difficulty in doing it. Let us know in detail the method of doing Shalabhasana and its benefits.
(Also Read: Dandasana or Staff Pose Steps And Benefits)
How To Do Salabhasana Yoga:
Shalabhasana can be a little difficult for those who are just starting yoga but it can be easily learned with regular practice, those people can take the support of their hands in the beginning. We are telling you some steps below, following which you can do Shalabhasana easily-
Step 1:
To do Shalabhasana, first of all, lie down on your stomach on a yoga mat in a clean place, that is, your back should be upwards and your stomach should be on the ground below.
Step 2:
Keep both your legs straight and keep the toes of your feet straight and upwards.
Step 3:
Straighten both your hands and press them under the thighs, that is, press your right hand under the right thigh and the left hand under the left thigh.
Step 4:
Keep your head and mouth straight. Then keep yourself normal and take a deep breath inwards.
Step 5:
Try to lift both your legs upwards, as much as possible, and raise the legs to your maximum height.
(Also Read: Virasana or Hero Pose Steps And Benefits)
Step 6:
If you are new to yoga practice, then you can use your hands to raise your legs, for this, you can raise your legs by keeping both your hands on the ground.
Step 7:
Try to stay in this posture for at least 20 seconds, you can do it more or less according to your capacity.
Step 8:
After this, slowly lower your legs while exhaling. And come back to your starting position.
Step 9:
Repeat this exercise 3-4 times.
(Also Read: Halasana or Plough Pose Steps and Benefit)
Benefits of Salabhasana Yoga:
There are many benefits of doing Salabhasana, let’s know its benefits in detail-
Reduce Weight:
Shalabhasana is considered a good yoga posture for weight loss, it helps in eliminating fat in our body, along with this it also corrects the metabolism process.
(Also Read: Chakrasana Or Urdhva Dhanurasana Steps & Benefits)
Strengthen Muscles:
Shalabhasana is a good posture to strengthen the muscles of our body, it strengthens the hands, thighs, legs and calves of our body, along with this it reduces belly fat and makes it beautiful. Salabhasana is a good yoga to strengthen the spine.
Beneficial For Menstrual Problems:
Shalabhasana is a good yoga posture to cure menstrual problems in women, it leads menstruation to a normal cycle. It strengthens the reproductive system of women and the capacity of the uterus.
Cure Various Diseases:
Many types of diseases can be cured by Shalabhasana, it cures the digestive system of our stomach, which prevents stomach related diseases, along with this it cures constipation, maintains the balance of acid and alkali in the body, it helps in improving urinary disorders and cures spinal diseases.
(Also Read: Bhujangasana Or Cobra Pose Steps Benefits)
Beneficial For Healthy Body:
Our whole body remains healthy with Shalabhasana, this mudra activates the whole body, stimulates the internal organs and increases the circulation of blood in our body, diseases stay away from you by doing Shalabhasana yoga.
Makes Muscles Strong and Flexible:
This yoga activity is considered beneficial for many muscles of the body. It includes the back, thighs, chest, and core muscles.
Improves Physical Posture:
Shalabhasana is included in such yoga postures that require balance to perform. Along with this, it strengthens the core muscles and improves both physical balance and posture.
(Also Read: Sarvangasana Or Shoulder Stand Pose Steps & Benefits)
Speeds Up Digestion:
During Shalabhasana, the abdominal muscles are stretched and the organs inside the stomach are also stimulated and help in speeding up the digestion process.
Removes Mental Diseases:
Shalabhasana yoga posture not only improves physical health, but it also improves mental health a lot. Conditions like depression, anxiety, stress and insomnia can be treated by practicing Shalabhasana regularly.
However, to get the health benefits of the above-mentioned Shalabhasana, it is important to do it in the right way. If you are going to practice Shalabhasana for the first time or you do not know its correct method, then it is advisable to take help from a good yoga instructor.
(Also Read: Vajrasana Or Thunderbolt Pose Steps & Benefits)
Do’s and Don’ts While Doing Asana:
- We should do this mudra only after defecation in the morning.
- We should wear loose clothes to do this asana.
- It should be done slowly, do not practice it all at once.
- We should do yoga in a place where there is good and fresh air.
- What precautions should be taken while doing Shalabhasana:
- Shalabhasana Mudra has many benefits but before doing it, it is necessary to know its precautions, let us know what precautions should be taken while doing this Mudra-
- We should not eat food before doing Asana.
- If you are suffering from headache, neck pain, and spine pain, then you should not do this yoga.
- Pregnant women should not do this Mudra.
- If you are suffering from waist pain, back pain, and knee pain, then do this Mudra with the advice of a doctor.
- While doing Asana, we should not breathe from the mouth, we should only breathe from the nose.
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