The practice of doing Simhasana yoga can give you many health benefits. It strengthens the lungs, throat, and voice. Simhasana Yoga encourages you to perform on your fiercest side. It keeps the energy locked inside the body and also helps in clearing the passage of the throat.
The body and face are prepared to invoke the force and intensity of the lion’s roar in the Simhasana pose. This asana is said to be one of the best face exercises. So, see below to know more about Simhasana yoga.
It helps circulate blood in the face, and also reduces leg cramps and wrinkles. In fact, this mudra is considered one of the simplest exercises. It is a fun posture that keeps you revived and happy. Let us know in detail the method of performing the Simhasana yoga.
(Also Read: Setu Bandhasana Or Bridge Pose Steps, Benefits & Precautions)
What Is Simhasana?
Simhasana is the Sanskrit language that is made up of two words in which the first word is “Simha” which means “lion” and the second-word “asana” which means “Yoga Pose”.
This posture is named Simhasana because when performing this yoga your position looks like a lion roaming in a forest. To perform this asana, body and face require the intense roar of the lion.
In this posture, the facial expressions of a practitioner resemble that of a lion and is also known as Singha Mudra. It is a very comfortable posture that anyone can do. Let us know in detail the method of doing this asana.
Preparatory Poses To Do Simhasana:
Simhasana Yoga is a very simple yoga asana for those who are already practicing yoga. But those who are new in this, those people should practice some of the asanas given below before performing this asana. Because doing this yoga will make it easier to do Simhasana yoga.
- Sukhasana
- Siddhasana
- Balasana
- Ustrasana
- Vajrasana
(Also Read: Triangle Pose Or Trikonasana Steps & Benefits)
Steps To Do Simhasana:
Below are some steps to do the Simhasana yoga or Lion pose, with the help of which you can easily do this asana.
Step 1:
To do Simhasana yoga, you spread a yoga mat on the floor and sit on it in the posture of Dandasana i.e. spread both legs in front.
Step 2:
Now bend your right leg and place it on the thigh of the left foot and bend the left leg and place it on the thigh of the right foot.
Step 3:
To do this asana, you can also sit in the posture of Padmasana.
Step 4:
Now bend forward and place your hands down on the floor while being on both knees.
Step 5:
With both hands upright, pull the upper part of your body forward.
Step 6:
Open your mouth and take your tongue out of the mouth.
(Also Read: Utkatasana Or Chair Pose | Steps & Benefits)
Step 7:
Breathe through your nose and keep your eyes open. In this case, you will appear in the same posture as a lion.
Step 8:
Repeat this asana 4 to 6 times for 20 to 30 seconds.
Step 9:
Finally, get your feet back to their starting position by teaching your feet.
Follow Up Poses Of Simhasana:
The follow-up poses of doing Simhasa helps you to recover and rest from the yoga. These are..
- Sukhasana
- Savasana
(Also Read: Tadasana Or Mountain Pose Steps And Benefits)
Benefits Of The Simhasana:
According to yoga, we face many problems in our everyday life which are due to annoyance and contempt. The advantages of Simhasana yoga provide you with an outlet for negative vitality. Let us know the benefits of Simhasana yoga in detail.
Reduce Oral Problem:
To perform Simhasana yoga you have to turn your tongue outwards. It helps in doing your mouth exercises due to full stretch out of the mouth of the tongue and also helps to get rid of bad breath. It also cures stutter, gnashing of teeth, and back pain.
Reduce Wrinkles:
By doing Simhasana yoga, fresh blood flows in your face, hence this asana is known as Good Face Exercise. It helps in removing wrinkles and not allowing age to grow quickly.
(Also Read: Vriksasana Or Tree Pose Steps And Benefits)
Strengthen Neck Muscles:
Performing the Simhasana yoga stretches on your neck muscles which relaxes the neck muscles. Apart from this, this asana helps in getting rid of any infection affecting the respiratory tract.
This asana helps improve the tone and texture of the voice. In this way, you can get the benefits of Simhasana yoga to keep the muscles healthy.
Stimulates The Platysma:
The advantages of Simhasana yoga help stimulate Platysma. It is a thin, flat, and rectangular muscle facing the front of the throat. This posture keeps this muscle healthy.
Old texts state that it destroys asana diseases and activates the three major bandhas – Mool, Jalandhar, and Uddiyana.
Reduce Stress:
Line pose or Simhasana yoga helps to reduce tension and stress on the chest and face. Apart from this, its other benefits are in the face, eyes, tongue, throat, vocal chord, abdomen, respiratory system, diaphragm, chest, hands, and fingers.
This asana relieves irritation to the eyes. You can also use Simhasana yoga to relieve your stress.
(Also Read: Bhadrasana Yoga | Steps To Do | Benefits)
Precautions To Do Simhasana:
Doing Simhasana yoga has many benefits, so every person wants to do this asana. This asana is very safe to practice and has no real preventive measures. But before performing this asana, keep in mind the following precautions
- If you have a knee injury, do this asana by sitting in a chair.
- If you have difficulty sitting in Padmasana to do this asana, then you can do it by sitting in Vajrasana as well.
- Before doing any type of asana or pranayama, do take the advice of a yoga expert.
Simhasana yoga is a very beneficial asana. If you regularize this, then you will get rid of diseases like these. Yogis have called this asana a very important posture because, in this posture, the accomplishment of the three bonds becomes easy.
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