Yoga is an important part of our life, through yoga we can increase the energy level in our body, and with this yoga, we can get rid of major diseases. The principle of curing diseases through yoga has been going on since ancient times. Surya Mudra is a type of yoga. The practice of Surya Mudra is very beneficial for people suffering from problems like obesity, diabetes, thyroid, etc. In this article, you will learn about the method of doing Surya Mudra and its benefits.
What Is Surya Mudra?
Surya Mudra, as the name suggests, is associated with the sun. It is one of the most important mudras among the various types of mudras in our yoga. It acts as an energy booster. This mudra is performed by covering the finger with the thumb to increase the fire element. The fire element of Surya Mudra increases the digestive power, so this mudra is very famous. Let us know how to perform Surya Mudra.
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How To Perform Surya Mudra:
To do Surya Mudra, we are telling you some steps here, after which you can easily do Surya Mudra at home-
Step 1:
To do Surya Mudra, first of all, spread a mat on the floor in a comfortable position and sit in Siddhasana or Padmasana, in this you have to keep your spine completely straight.
Step 2:
After this, keep both your hands straight on your knees with the palm facing upwards.
Step 3:
Now join the ring finger of both your hands with the thumb, in this keep the ring finger below the thumb.
Step 4:
Keep all the other fingers of the hand straight.
Step 5:
Focus your attention on breathing and keep breathing normally during Surya Mudra.
Step 6:
You have to do Surya Mudra regularly for 15 minutes every day.
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Benefits Of Surya Mudra:
There are many important mudras in our Indian history. It is beneficial for our body in many ways, Surya Mudra is a boon for us, it has a deep impact on our body, soul, and mind. It keeps you healthy and also prolongs your life. Surya Mudra reduces the earth element in the body and fills your body with the fire element, which increases energy (heat) in your body and eliminates laziness. Let us know in detail the method and benefits of doing Surya Mudra.
Surya Mudra has amazing benefits, this mudra is beneficial for us both mentally and physically, let us know its benefits in detail-
Increase Physical Energy:
Surya Mudra generates heat in our body which keeps our body warm, this heat comes less when we are in cold weather, if you are troubled by excessive cold then you can adopt it, and it will keep the heat in your body.
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Improve Digestion:
Surya Mudra is a good yoga for correcting digestion, it corrects digestion and helps in reducing cholesterol.
Helps To Lose Weight:
Surya Mudra has many benefits, one of which is that it helps in reducing weight, if you are also troubled by being overweight due to being obese, then Surya Mudra is very beneficial for you. Generally, Surya Mudra is very beneficial for women who gain weight after delivery, because it corrects digestion. Due to this, it helps in reducing weight in women.
Cure Diseases:
Surya Mudra increases the fire element in our body due to which the body heats up which protects us from diseases like cold, cough, asthma, pneumonia, asthma, and pleurisy, it keeps the body warm so it is beneficial in all winter diseases. We have to do this for 10 to 15 minutes every day after waking up in the morning.
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Reduce Diabetes:
Surya Mudra is very beneficial for diabetic patients, this mudra burns the amount of sugar present in our body and eliminates it, it cures diseases caused by obesity due to fat like diabetes and constipation. Surya Mudra protects from all diseases occurring in the liver and also controls the amount of urea in the blood.
Beneficial for Thyroid:
Surya Mudra is also very beneficial in thyroid diseases, the center point of the thyroid gland is located in the palm of our hand, in Surya Mudra, pressure is applied on this center point with the ring finger, due to which diseases caused by less secretion in the thyroid gland, obesity, etc. are cured.
Reduce Cholesterol:
Surya Mudra is considered a very good mudra for reducing cholesterol, it accelerates metabolism in your body. Which helps in reducing cholesterol, it also reduces fat.
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Time and Duration of Doing Surya Mudra:
Any kind of yoga needs to be done regularly, so we should do Surya Mudra daily, for good results we should do this Mudra in the morning and evening, in the evening you can do Surya Mudra before sunset. You can do this Mudra three times a day from 8 minutes to 25 minutes. There should be a gap of at least one hour between doing Surya Mudra every time.
Precautions To Be Taken in Surya Mudra:
There are many benefits of doing Surya Mudra, but it is very important to take some precautions before doing it.
- You can do this Mudra only 3 times a day for 15-15 minutes.
- Do it before food and do not eat for at least one hour after doing Surya Mudra.
- Do not do it for too long in the summer season and during summer, one should drink some water before doing Surya Mudra.
- People with high blood pressure and weak, frail people should not do it.
- Do not do Surya Mudra if there is a lot of weakness in the body.
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