All Posts By

Urja Sen

Chakrasana Or Urdhva Dhanurasana Steps & Benefits

Image Chakrasana or Urdhva Dhanurasana is one of the various asanas of yoga. In this asana, a person’s condition is similar to that of the chakra, or wheel that’s why it is called Chakrasana....

Bhujangasana Or Cobra Pose Steps Benefits

Image In this everyday life, most people are troubled by the problem of back and back pain. Although this is a common problem, many times it is not noticed, this problem increases very much....
Baddha Konasana

Baddha Konasana Or Bound Angle Pose Steps & Benefits

Image Baddha Konasana Or Bound Angle pose is a very simple yoga posture, anyone can do it. It is a good asana for beginners in yoga. You can expect to see this pose often...

Virabhadrasana III Or Warrior III Steps & Benefits

Image Virabhadrasana is also known as Warrior Pose. This asana was named after Virabhadra, a warrior, an incarnation of Lord Shiva. The story of the warrior Virabhadra, like other stories in the Upanishads, inspires...

Virabhadrasana I Or Warrior I Pose Steps And Benefits

Image Virabhadrasana or Warrior Pose is a very beneficial for our health. Virabhadrasana yoga posture named after a warrior Virabhadra, a yogi is known for his non-violence qualities. This yoga asana strengthens all the...

Utkatasana Or Chair Pose | Steps & Benefits

Image Utkatasana is also known as Chair Pose. These are very powerful asanas, they are all beneficial asanas for our entire body. In this your position is seen as if you are sitting in...
Simhasana 2

Simhasana Or Lion Pose | Steps To Do | Benefits

Source The practice of doing Simhasana yoga can give you many health benefits. It strengthens the lungs, throat, and voice. Simhasana Yoga encourages you to perform on your fiercest side. It keeps the energy...
International Yoga Day

What Is The Purpose Of International Yoga Day?

Image International Yoga Day began in 2014 and it is being celebrated as World Yoga Day on 21 June every year since the year 2015 after the United Nations declaration. This day is the...