C-section of women starts gaining weight after delivery and the stomach starts coming out. Pregnancy is a stage in which the body goes through many physical changes. Getting back in shape after a C-section delivery can be more challenging than a normal delivery, as the C-section wounds take time to heal. Yoga asanas are one of the most effective ways to get back to an earlier shape after C section delivery. Apart from this, yoga helps in improving the health of new mothers and reduces the complications of pregnancy. Yoga also helps speed up recovery after delivery, relieve postpartum complications and pain, and promote weight loss in a healthy way. So, let’s know in detail yoga to lose weight after C section delivery.
Can You Exercise After Having A C-Section:
Although there is no restriction on exercising after C-section surgery, it should be noted that you take sufficient rest until you fully recover. You can start doing yoga after C section delivery, but when you can do yoga after C section will depend on your recovery. C-section is a major operation, which involves loss of blood, cutting of muscles, and sewing them back. Women can do yoga asanas after c section delivery and abdominal wounds and wounds heal.
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Yoga To Lose Weight After C Section Delivery:
Bhujangasana Or Cobra Pose: Yoga To Lose Weight After C Section Delivery
Cobra pose, also known as Bhujangasana, is extremely effective in relieving women of back pain after C section delivery. Cobra pose helps to strengthen the hips, tone the abdomen, arms and shoulders, strengthen the spine, improve blood and oxygen circulation in the pelvic region.
- To do this asana, spread a yoga mat and lie on it on your stomach, in which your peat will be upwards.
- Keep both your hands on the ground.
- Now while putting weight on both your hands, slowly turn your head backward and try to make the chin upwards.
- Keep in mind that the body below your waist should not rise above the ground.
- You try to stay in this posture for 20 to 30 seconds.
Tadasana Or Mountain Pose:
Yoga To Lose Weight After C Section Delivery
Tadasana yoga is also called mountain pose. Tadasana yoga is very effective for weight loss after C section delivery. This yoga helps to improve the control of the body of women, gain strength and tone their muscles, and improve blood flow.
- To do Tadasana, first of all, spread a yoga mat and stand on it.
- Keep a short distance between your two legs.
- Now, with both of your hands up towards the sky, close your fingers.
- Then you turn both your palms upside down, in which the palms of your hand will remain on the uneven side.
- Now pull both hands upwards and lift the ankles of the feet up and stand on the feet.
- Stay in this posture for 20-30 seconds and then lower your hands to normal.
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Vrikshasana Or Tree Pose: yo ga to lose weight after C section delivery
Vriksasana yoga or tree pose helps women reduce their stomach after cesarean delivery. It tones the pelvic area of women and improves your body overall.
- To do Vriksasana Yoga requires balance.
- This is a situation resembling a tree.
- To do this asana, stand upright on a yoga mat.
- Now lift your right leg and place it on the left thigh.
- Raise both your hands upwards and join them upwards.
- In this situation, try to stand as per your ability.
Trikonasana Or Triangle Pose:
The triangle pose or trikonasana is the perfect posture for a mother after cesarean delivery to reduce abdominal fat and slim the waist. Trikonasana improves balance and strengthens the lower body, arms, and chest by stretching the spine, hamstrings, and calves. It also helps in treating digestive disorders and relieving stress and anxiety.
- To do this asana, you should stand on a yoga mat with both feet far apart.
- Bend your right leg side and place your right hand on the ground.
- Straighten the other hand up so that both hands are in a straight line.
- Stay in this posture for a while.
- If you have difficulty placing your hands on the ground, you can place the hand above the calf of the foot.
Balasana Or Child Pose:
Child pose or Balasana yoga is a good yoga posture to lose weight after C section delivery. This yoga helps in stretching the muscles of the back and hips. This is a great asana to do before bed at the end of a long and tiring day.
- To do this yoga asana, first of all, sit on a yoga mat in Vajrasana or kneeling.
- Place your hips on your ankles, breathe inward and keep both your hands straight up, in this, keep your palm open and fingers straight.
- While exhaling, slowly bend the upper part of the body on the floor and keep your forehead (head) on the ground.
- In this, both your hands will also be directly on the floor.
- Do this yoga for at least 1 to 3 minutes.
Adho Mukha Svanasana Or Downward Facing Dog Pose:
The Downward Facing Dog Pose is an excellent posture to reduce excess weight after cesarean delivery. This posture makes you feel refreshed and energized. The reverse dog posture also has a calming effect on the brain and helps relieve stress. This excellent yoga stretches the whole body.
- To do this asana, first of all, spread a yoga mat and stand upright on it.
- Keep a slight gap between your two legs.
- Now bend forward and place both your hands on the ground.
- Remove both feet with hands so that your hands and spine come in a straight line.
- There will be a 90-degree angle between your leg and chest.
- Perform the reverse dog posture for two to three minutes.
(Also Read: Best And Easy Poses Of Yoga To Increase Stamina)
Ustrasana Or Camel Pose:
Ustrasana or Camel pose massages all the organs along with the kidney. It sends fresh blood to the organs of the body thereby oxidizing and detoxifying them. Ustrasana C section helps in reducing stomach after delivery.
- To do this asana, first of all, spread a yoga mat and stand on it on your knees.
- Now bend your waist from here and move both your hands back.
- Tilt your head back and place both hands on the ankles of the feet.
- In the case of Utrasana, try to stay for 30 to 60 seconds.
Matsyendrasana Or Lord Of The Fishes Pose:
Women who have had a child with surgery can do Ardhamatsyandrasana yoga to reduce their weight. This yoga stimulates the kidneys and liver and also improves the body’s immune level.
- To do this asana, first of all, spread a yoga mat and sit on it in Dandasana.
- Place your right foot in front of the knee of the left leg.
- Keep the spine straight and turn your head and waist right.
- Stay in this posture for some time and then do the whole process with the other leg.
Marjariasana Or Cat Pose:
This asana looks like a cow and a cat, so in English, it is also called cow-cat pose. This is a good yoga posture for women to lose weight after operation. This makes your reed bone elastic and increases blood flow.
- To do this asana, keep your head straight on a yoga mat and kneel and place both your hands on the ground.
- Now while inhaling, raise your head backward and your chin up.
- Now while exhaling, lower your head and try to apply your chin to your chest.
- Do this asana at least 5 to 6 times.
- This asana is beneficial for reducing the stomach.
Navasana Or Boat Pose:
Navasana yoga is considered to be very good for weight loss after being c-baby delivery. This asana is known to reduce stomach fat and cure a variety of diseases.
- To do, sit on a yoga mat with both legs of the bed straight in front of you.
- Keep the spine straight and both hands straight on the ground.
- Now raise both your legs upright.
- To balance, you bend your back slightly, keeping your hands straight towards you.
- In this, there will be a 45 degree angle at the waist between your legs and upper body.
- Pause for 10 to 20 seconds in Navasana, then lower your feet to your initial position.
After delivery, women face problems such as morning sickness, pain around their waist, and weight gain during pregnancy. Along with a nutritious diet, some yoga asanas can help to tackle these problems.
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