Shuturmurgasana is another important yoga posture of yoga series. The person performing this yoga is seen standing like an ostrich. Ostrich Pose is beneficial for us in many ways. This yoga posture helps in our many types of problems like backache, reducing gas problem, reducing belly fat and strengthening our body. Some people also know this yoga as Rabbit Yoga Pose. Let us know in detail the method of performing Ostrich Yoga and its benefits.
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What Is Shuturmurgasana Or Ostrich Pose?
Shuturmurgasana is a type of yoga posture. On doing this yoga one’s body looks like as if someone is hiding his head in the ground. Ostrich Yoga is composed of two words in which the first word is “Shuturmurg” which “Ostrich” and the second word is “asana” which means “posture or position”.
The person performing this yoga appears like an ostrich. The ostrich pose is a great warm up because it extends your arms, shoulders and hamstrings. Let us know in detail the way and benefits of doing Ostrich Yoga.
(Also Read: Simhasana Or Lion Pose | Steps To Do | Benefits)
Preparetory Poses Of Shuturmurgasana Or Ostrich Pose:
Shuturmurgasana can naturally promote your physical and mental health. But if you are a wigner then you may face some difficulty in doing Shuturmurgasana yoga. To avoid this kind of trouble, you should carefully pose Ostrich. If you are already doing yoga then some more asanas should be done first to do ostrich pose effectively.
- Virabhadrasana I
- Garudasana
- Paschimottanasana
- Janushirshasana
(Also Read: Bhadrasana Yoga | Steps To Do | Benefits)
Steps To Do Shuturmurgasana Or Ostrich Pose:
Ostrich Yoga is a simple asana, it is very easy to do it, a person of any age can do it easily. Below is some steps to do this asana, with the help of which you can do it easily.
Step 1:
To do Shuturmurgasana, you should first spread a yoga mat and stand upright on it.
Step 2:
Keep a short distance between your two legs and keep both your hands straight downwards.
Step 3:
Now keep your right foot approximately two feet away from the other leg and bend it 90 degrees from the knee.
(Also Read: Vriksasana Or Tree Pose Steps And Benefits)
Step 4:
Keep your left leg straight and do not let it bend from the knee.
Step 5:
Now, bend down your torso from here at the waist and let your head also hang downward in an independent position.
Step 6:
Turn both of your hands backward and straighten it upwards.
(Also Read: Tadasana Or Mountain Pose Steps And Benefits)
Step 7:
Then pull the fingers of both your hands together.
Step 8:
While in this position, you take at least three to five deep breaths and then lower both hands to return to your initial position.
(Also Read: Utkatasana Or Chair Pose | Steps & Benefits)
Follow Up Poses:
The follow up yoga poses of Shuturmurgasana are..
(Also Read: Triangle Pose Or Trikonasana Steps & Benefits)
Benefits Of Shuturmurgasana Or Ostrich Pose:
The benefits of Ostrich pose are immense for staying healthy and keeping your body fit. The benefits of doing Ostrich pose can control many health changes that occur in the body. Let us know in detail what are the benefits of Shaturamurgasana Yoga.
Reduce Back Pain:
To cure back pain, Ostrich pose is very beneficial. By doing this yoga asana, the back of the legs and the back of the neck gives a good stretch and relieves back pain. Ostrich pose can heal tired feet.
(Also Read: Setu Bandhasana Or Bridge Pose Steps, Benefits & Precautions)
Strengthen The Body:
Ostrich pose is very effective for physical strength. This yoga is known to strengthen and tone our lower back, arms and legs. It helps in stabilizing and balancing the body as it increases stamina.
Reduce Stomach Gas:
For those who are troubled by the problem of gas forming in the stomach, Shuturmurgasana is a lot. This yoga accelerates the metabolic activity in the stomach, which protects us from many diseases occurring in the stomach. It is a very effective yoga asana in reducing gas.
(Also Read: Baddha Konasana Or Bound Angle Pose Steps And Benefits)
Reduce Waist Fat:
To reduce your abdominal fat, ostrich pose is considered good. By doing this asana, there is pressure on your stomach which helps in reducing the fat of the stomach. Apart from this, more energy is required to do this yoga which burns calories and burns excess fat stored in the stomach.
Beneficial For Eyes:
Doing Ostrich pose also benefits your eyes. In this yoga posture, when you bend downwards, the blood sends extra oxygen and nutrient rich substance to your head, it increases the flow of blood in your eyes. Ostrich pose helps to eliminate many types of problems related to macular degeneration and eyes.
(Also Read: Paschimottanasana Or Seated Forward Bend Steps & Benefits)
Tighten Vagina:
Many women are troubled by the problem of vaginal dilution over time. But by doing this yoga, women can tighten their vagina. Which gives them a lot of pleasure in sex. Due to the vagina being tight or small, there is more friction on the vagina of the penis. Due to which both men and women get more sexual pleasure.
Benefitial For Sexual Health:
Ostrich pose is the best way to promote sexual health of both women and men. Because it benefits both physically and mentally. Doing Shuturmurgasana or ostrich pose also increases libido. Because it increases the production of hormones that keep our brain healthy and increase libido.
(Also Read: Steps And Benefits Of Shavasana Or Corpse Pose)
Side Effects Of Shuturmurgasana Or Ostrich Pose:
Yoga always helps in promoting the health of our body. However, there are no disadvantages to doing any yoga. But to get proper benefits you should do all types of yoga correctly. Yoga is never harmful. Yes they can harm you when you don’t do it for long and properly.
Precautions To Do Shuturmurgasana Or Ostrich Pose:
It is very easy to do ostrich pose or Shuturmurgasana. But you should take special care while doing this yoga. Because if done incorrectly, yoga can also have its disadvantages. Let us know what precautions should be kept in mind while doing Ostrich Yoga.
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- If you are troubled by knee pain then you should avoid doing Bhadrasana yoga.
- If you have problems with spinal pain, then you must consult a doctor before performing this asana.
- People suffering from heart problems or high blood pressure should avoid this asana.
- If you have back pain problems, do not do this asana.
- If you are a patient of some serious illness, then you must consult your doctor before doing Ostrich pose.
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Yoga always helps in promoting the health of our body. However, there are no disadvantages to doing any yoga. But to get proper benefits you should do all types of yoga correctly. Yoga is never harmful. Yes they can harm you when you don’t do it for long and properly. So, do Shuturmurgasana to get its benefits.
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