In today’s times, due to severe diseases like corona, there is a lack of oxygen in the body of people, which is a serious problem. If you want to avoid getting hit by the corona, then you can do the following yoga easy to keep your lungs healthy and increase the oxygen level in the blood. Adequate levels of oxygen in the blood also help to increase immunity. So, here let’s know about some poses of yoga to increase oxygen level in the blood.
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Yoga To Increase Oxygen Level In Blood:
Due to lack of oxygen in the body, the immunity power of our body is weakened, which increases the risk of coronavirus infection. Some yoga exercises which are also called Breathing exercises can easily complete the lack of oxygen in your body by doing these exercises. Let us know about some yoga to increase oxygen level. The following totals can help you maintain the right oxygen level in your body. Let’s know in detail how to do them.
1. Anulom Vilom Pranayama: yoga to increase oxygen level
If you want to avoid coronavirus infection then do Anulom Vilom Pranayama. This yoga helps to overcome the lack of oxygen level in the body. By doing this, blood circulation improves and lungs are also healthy.
- To do the Anulom Vilom Pranayama, first of all, spread a yoga mat on the ground and sit in Sukhasana or Vajrasana.
- Now raise your right hand and take a long breath from the left nostril by closing the right nostril with the thumb and now exhale through the right nostril by closing the left nostril with the ring finger of your right hand.
- In this case, your left hand will remain on the knee.
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2. Kapalbhati Pranayama: yoga to increase oxygen level
Kapalabhati Yoga is a breathing process that strengthens our respiratory system and fulfills the lack of oxygen in the body.
- To perform Kapalbhati Pranayama, first of all, spread a yoga mat on the ground and sit in Padmasana or Sukhasana.
- Put both your hands on your knees and sit in a meditation posture.
- Breathe inwardly.
- While exhaling, pull the stomach inward so that the stomach and back are joined together.
- Then take the breath in and loosen the stomach.
- Repeat this action.
- Repeat Kapalbhati Pranayama continuously for five minutes.
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3. Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose: yoga to increase oxygen level
Bhujangasana yoga opens your lungs, due to which oxygen goes into your body in greater quantity upon breathing. Therefore, by doing this yoga, the lack of oxygen can be overcome.
- To do Bhujangasana yoga, you lay a yoga mat and lie on it on your stomach, in which your peat will be upwards.
- Keep both your hands on the ground.
- Now while putting weight on both your hands, slowly turn your head backward and try to make the chin upwards.
- Keep in mind that the body below your waist should not rise above the ground.
- You try to stay in this posture for 20 to 30 seconds.
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4. Trikonasana or Triangle Pose: yoga to increase oxygen level
With the help of Trikonasana yoga, you can make the oxygen level in the body correct. This yoga helps to keep lungs healthy and spread them well, due to which the oxygen in our body goes in high amounts.
- To do the Trikonasana yoga, you should stand on a yoga mat with both legs apart and stand straight,
- Bend the side of your right leg and place your hand on the ground and straighten the other hand up so that both hands are in a straight line.
- Be in this posture for some time, if you have difficulty in placing your hands on the ground, then you can keep the hands on top of the feet.
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5. Ardha Matsyendrasana or Half Lord of the Fishes Pose:
Ardhamatsyandrasana yoga can be done to avoid corona infection and increase the oxygen level in your body. This yoga eventually strengthens the respiratory system, which keeps the lungs healthy and helps in getting more oxygen.
- To do Ardhamatsyandrasana yoga, first of all, spread a yoga mat and sit on it in Dandasana.
- Keep your right foot outward at the knee side of the left foot.
- Keep the spine straight, rotate your neck, shoulder, and waist right.
- Remain in this posture for a few seconds and then do the whole process with the other leg.
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6. Navasana Or Boat Pose:
You can maintain oxygen level in your body by using Navasana yoga or boat pose. This yoga expands the chest and encourages deep breathing which is extremely beneficial in improving lung health and oxygen in the blood of the body.
- To do Navasana, sit on a yoga mat with both legs straight in front of you, now raise both the legs upward while keeping both legs straight.
- Now you have to lean back slightly and keep the hands straight towards you.
- In this posture, a 45-degree angle should be formed at the waist between your legs and upper body.
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7. Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana or Upward Facing Dog Pose:
The upward facing dog pose is also known as the upward facing dog pose. This yoga helps in increasing oxygen in the body. By doing this yoga, the chest and lungs are stretched, due to which the oxygen in the body reaches more quantity.
Method: yoga to increase oxygen level
- To do the upward facing dog pose, lie down on a yoga mat and spread the soles of your feet upwards.
- Place both your hands slightly ahead of the shoulders on the floor.
- Now, with emphasis on the fingers of both your hands, raise your chest above the floor and slowly move the head backward, keeping your body below the ground.
- Do upward facing dog pose for 20 to 30 seconds.
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8. Gomukhasana or Cow Face Pose:
Gomukhasana Yoga cleanses the lungs and keeps them healthy, which allows the lungs to take more oxygen. This is one of the yoga to increase oxygen level in Blood.
Method: Yoga To Increase Oxygen Level
- To do Gomukhasana Yoga, you should sit in the Sukhasana of one of the yoga mats.
- Stretch your right leg near your body, then pull your left leg from the top of the right leg thigh.
- Now move your right hand from the top of the shoulder to the back and bend the left hand from the elbow to take it behind the back and mix your two hands.
- You stay in this position for some time.
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9. Bhastrika Pranayama:
By doing Bhastrika Pranayama, your lungs will get stronger. Along with this, your oxygen level will also be good. Along with this, you can get rid of hypertension, asthma, heart disease, TB, tumor, BP, liver cirrhosis, sinus, any kind of energy.
Method: Yoga To Increase Oxygen Level
- First of all, you sit in Padmasana. If you are not able to sit in Padmasana, then sit in a relaxed state, but keep in mind that your body, neck, and head are straight.
- Initially, breathe slowly and release this breath with force.
- Now breathe in force and exhale forcefully.
- In this way, inhale and exhale forcefully 10 times with speed.
- In this way, you do 10 cycles.
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If we want to keep the body healthy, then we have to take the full amount of oxygen and if the amount of oxygen is to be kept right, then yoga-pranayama will have to be included in the routine. Food will also have to be taken care of. We should not eat food only for the taste but give it a nutritious place. In the run-of-the-mill life, we have to change the habit of putting health in the last category. Health is paramount.
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