Yoga is one of the best remedies that are available to cure sciatica. But do you know what yoga should be done for sciatica? 40 percent of the world’s people suffer from sciatica pain. This pain can bother you a lot and you may have to postpone a lot of work due to this. You should practice yoga to get relief from sciatica pain, it will be very beneficial. One study showed that when sciatica patients used yoga and pain-relieving drugs on some people, it was found that yoga had greatly reduced the intensity and frequency of pain. So, here let’s know about some yoga for sciatica in detail to reduce the pain of sciatica.
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What Is Sciatica?
Sciatica is related to backache which is a problem of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest and widest single nerve in the body. It is a large nerve that runs from the lower back of each leg. When some injury or sciatica puts pressure on the nerve, it can cause lower back pain that extends to the hip, buttock, and leg.
The function of the sciatic nerve is to provide sensation to the feet. When the blood circulation in the pressure area of this nerve decreases, it becomes a cause of pain, causing a lot of problems in sitting and standing and aggravating the pain.
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Symptoms Of Sciatica:
Different people have different symptoms of sciatica but some of its symptoms are those which usually occur to everyone. When there is a pain in the sciatica, this pain occurs in the lower back, causing pain in all areas of the buttocks, hips, and legs. Some people experience pain in one area of the foot and others experience numbness. Tingling sensations in the back and lower legs are also symptoms of weakness. It starts slowly and can give unbearable pain at night. Some people also get more pain when they sneeze, laugh, cough, walk for long periods, or when they sit for too long. Let us know the yoga posture in detail for this.
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Yoga For Sciatica:
If you have back pain, numbness in your feet, or a sensation of a needle, then you understand that you have a sciatica problem. You can adopt yoga as a treatment for this and this along with sciatica problems in every way. This will prove beneficial for you. So, let’s know in detail some yoga asanas to reduce the pain in sciatica, which will be very beneficial for you in sciatica.
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1. Salabhasana Or Locust Pose Or Grasshopper Pose: Yoga For Sciatica
Shalabhasana yoga strengthens the lower back and promotes healthy blood circulation in the hip area. This helps to relieve sciatica pain because when there is a lack of circulation it creates pressure in that area.
- To do this asana, you place a yoga mat in one place and lie on it on your stomach.
- Keep both hands and feet straight on the floor.
- Now raise your torso and both legs upwards.
- Together, raise both hands as well.
- You try to stay in this posture for at least 20 seconds.
- If you too can use yoga as a treatment for sciatica.
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2. Apanasana Or Knees To Chest Pose Yoga: Yoga For Sciatica
Performing this asana provides almost complete relief from sciatica pain and numbness. Apanasana is a form of Pawanmuktasana. Apart from sciatica, it is also beneficial to reduce acidity, fat deposited on the stomach, if you have pain in your knees or neck, this asana should not be done.
- To do this easy, first lie down on your back.
- Now raise both your legs and bring the knees close to the chest.
- Now lift your head as well as touch the chin with your knees and bend it from the knees and take it in the circles of your arms.
- Stay in this posture for as long as you can, while exhaling, straighten your legs.
- In the beginning, do it for a short period of time.
- Doing this provides relief in back pain and body ache caused by sciatica.
- It also makes the bones of the feet strong.
- The problem of high blood pressure is also overcome by regularization.
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3. Setu Bandhasana Or Bridge Pose: Yoga For Sciatica
Setu Bandhasana in the form of bridge pose or yoga is a great pose for sciatica that strengthens the back. It also lengthens the hip flexors and strengthens the inner thighs. This asana slowly extends the lower back and major muscles into the buttock. This increases flexibility and induces motion in those areas affected by sciatica that are mostly inactive and constricted. Bridge pose also improves blood circulation.
- To do the Setu Bandhasana posture, spread a yoga mat and lie down on it.
- Now bend your legs from here at the knees and lift your hips up.
- Then join your two hands under your back.
- While living in this position, breathe 20 times and come out of the situation.
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4. Ardha Matsyendrasana Or Half Lord Of Fishes Pose Or Half Spinal Twist Pose:
Ardha Matsyendrasana Yoga is a seated turn that helps with sciatica pain as it focuses on internal rotation rather than external. This asana helps to strengthen and stretch the chest, throat, hips. This asana flexes the hips and lower back and also relaxes that area. This increases blood circulation and reduces pain.
Method: Yoga For Sciatica
- To do this asana, first of all, spread a yoga mat and sit on it in Dandasana.
- Keep your right foot outward at the knee side of the left foot.
- Keep the spine straight, rotate your neck, shoulder, and waist right.
- Remain in this posture for a few seconds and then do the whole process with the other leg.
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5. Bhujangasana or Cobra Pose:
Bhujangasana or Cobra pose is a simple yet powerful yoga pose. This asana gives a good stretch to your lower back and spine and relieves pain caused by slip discs, which is one of the major causes of sciatica.
Method: Yoga For Sciatica
- To do this asana, you should spread a yoga mat and lie on it on your stomach, in which your peat will be upwards.
- Keep both your hands on the ground.
- Now while putting weight on both your hands, slowly turn your head backward and try to make the chin upwards.
- You try to stay in this posture for 20 to 30 seconds.
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6. Urdhva Mukha Pasasana Or Thread Needle Yoga:
Thread needle yoga is a very beneficial asana to relieve sciatica pain. This asana extends the hips, butt, and inner thighs. Good posture to increase flexibility in your hamstrings.
Method: Yoga For Sciatica
- To do this asana, first of all, spread a yoga mat and lie down on it and bend your legs from here on the knees, keep both hands on the floor directly.
- Now lift your right leg and place it slightly above the knee of the left leg.
- Then with both hands, hold the left leg and pull it towards you.
- Try to attach your head to the calf of the right leg.
- Again do this whole process with the other leg.
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7. Sarvangasana Or Shoulderstand:
Sarvangasana Yoga is an inverse yoga pose, that is, you have to turn your feet upside down to do it. It promotes proper blood flow and relaxes the muscles in the buttock area. This is an incredibly effective yoga treatment for sciatica. Because the quantity of blood and oxygen is pumped into the sciatica area by this asana, which cures its pain. To do this asana, first of all, lie down on the back of a yoga mat.
Method: Yoga For Sciatica
- Keep both your hands straight. Now, fold both your legs from here at the waist and make them up.
- After this, raise your back with both hands supporting the back.
- Raise your legs up to the maximum height.
- In this case, your reed bone and your feet should remain in a straight line.
- The entire weight of your body will be on the shoulders and both hands will help to keep the back straight.
- In this posture, you have to stop for at least 30 seconds and after that, you have to come down to your initial state while keeping your feet down.
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The sciatica problem is a common problem. Usually, sciatica is caused by working hard or being overweight. This problem is usually seen after the age of 50 years. But in today’s time, due to poor lifestyle, many people have their problem before 50. If you are facing this you can opt for these yoga asanas these can help you to ease the pain.
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